The Supreme Court battle could resurrect John Cox's pro-life bias


Republican businessman John Cox hopes to win an angry victory in the race for the Californian governor by avoiding any mention of social problems – but his past extreme views on abortion, shaped by personal experience, could make it difficult. As the imminent battle over President Trump's Supreme Court candidate heats up, the high-level battle may focus national attention on abortion rights and decide whether the next judge could overturn Roe v.

Cox has already said that he opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest – a position that puts him at odds with most California voters. In a 2006 book he wrote while preparing for a long-term campaign for the president, "Politic $ Inc.," Cox describes himself as "pro-life without exception."

"The right of the unborn child to live should be greater than a woman's desire to finish school or compete for a better job," he wrote. "bad and incest are horrendous crimes that should be severely punished, killing the child punishes the wrong person."

His opposition to abortion was fashioned from the point of view of the child. a deeply personal experience. Cox's biological father raped his mother and left the family shortly after Cox's birth, he said in interviews earlier in his political career. Journal of Illinois in 2003. "My mother told me that she would have had an abortion if she had been legal."

Polls revealed that more than two-thirds of California voters, including a majority of Republicans, believe the Cox government should have tried to avoid mentioning the issue in its campaign against Democratic Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, preferring to focus on economic concerns like the high cost of living in California and the increasing number of homeless.

"I will not focus on social issues," Cox said in an interview the day after the primary elections. "I'm going to focus on livability and affordability."

But that could prove difficult in the context of a high-stakes Supreme Court nomination battle that seems to revolve around the right to choose women. Trump, who plans to announce his candidate on Monday, swore during the campaign to present judges who would overthrow Roe v. Wade – a 45-year ruling protecting abortion rights – although the White House said the president will not ask for their position on the decision. Legal observers predict that most of the potential candidates that he publishes would give a fifth vote to overturn the decision . Cox's dilemma is similar to that of pro-life politicians in the country's blue and purple states. They have long been able to show that Roe v. Wade was a reason why pro-choice voters should not worry about their position on abortion.

"With another Trump appointed to the Supreme Court, Roe v. Says Jack Pitney, a professor of politics at Claremont McKenna College and a former Republican party official.

Even though Supreme Court quashes Roe v. Wade It is extremely unlikely that the abortion will be very light.It would be banned in California.The state has a law protecting the rights to abortion, the state Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of abortion rights, and a constitutional amendment approved by the voters would be necessary to overthrow the judges.The judges of the Supreme Court of the State are appointed by the governor, but they are subject to confirmation hearings and may be rejected by the electorate.

The next governor will also have an impact on abortion policy Amy Everitt, director of NARAL Pro-Choice California, an advocacy group abortion rights

"He is competing to become the most pro-choice state governor of the country," she said. "John Cox will not be able to avoid talking about his point of view on this issue."

Cox's campaign does not say whether the candidate still opposes abortion in cases of rape and incest

Newsom's interest in diverting the "Beware of his failed record by recycling quotes from a dozen years ago," said Cox spokesman Matt Shupe. "Millions of Californians are planning or planning to leave our state because of the mess that Gavin Newsom and the political clbad have created."

Some of Cox's past stances on other social issues could also come back to bite him during his general election campaign, where he is already facing a steep climb into a highly democratic California. In a 2007 presidential debate, questioned about gay rights, he said he was opposed to all hate crime laws and urged Republicans to "talk about the fact that we can not open the door to polygamy and bestiality. " a statement earlier this year that "my views have evolved over the past decade" on LGBT rights issues.

Other state gold republicans adopt different strategies while operating in a more and more blue state. For example, Steve Poizner, candidate for the position of Insurance Commissioner, apologizes for his uncompromising immigration policies and goes so far as to leave the Republican Party to stand as an independent

. But Poizner is pro-choice and does not have the same conservative record as Cox on social issues

The two most recent elected Republican governors in California, Pete Wilson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, were pro-choice, and even Ronald Reagan signed a bill as governor of California legalizing abortion in some cases (

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