The terrifying moment has escaped PYTHON was found in Exeter's blind toilets


Surrealistic images show the moment when it was realized with horror that an eight foot PYTHON escaped was responsible for a concussion in the bathroom of a blind man of Exeter.

Stuart Saunders, 60, listened to music at his Market Street Flat, in the downtown area, when he heard him crush his bathroom on Sunday, July 29.

Looking Above: Creeping Images

Thinking a "strange object" on the floor was an insulation that he had tried to pick up – unknowingly he had manipulated a live reticulated python who had escaped from his restroom

Blind by birth, Stuart's support staff were slammed after answering his call for help.

Stuart Saunders, age 60

The support worker and friend Jason had to close the bathroom door and reopen it – because he could not believe his eyes.

Stranger is still like the reptile, being nearby Exeter Exotics, must be in the plumbing network. [19659010] Video Loading

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Look above: Stuart explains how he did not even realize that it was a python until he was told

Stuart explained At Devon Live how incredible scenes unfolded around 10pm: "I was lying in my bed chair listening to my music when the next minute I heard" crash! crash! "

"After a while I went to the bathroom to pick them up, I thought that the wind from the window had perhaps knocked them down.

Python in the bathroom of Exeter

"A toothbrush and glbad, a bottle of bleach and shampoo had fallen off, when I picked them up, I did not go out. I noticed this thing on the floor, as if some insulation had been raised.

too heavy.

"I phoned my support employee at the intercom and I said, 'I have a little mess' and they came, my friend Jason said, "You have a snake

In short: Reticulated Python

Found in Southeast Asia and Southeast Asia

The longest snake in the world and among the three largest

Largest snake native to Asia

] Some people were killed and, in two cases reported, eaten by reticulated pythons

A very good swimmer

Natural « We called the police, they called the RSPCA, but that's Exeter Exotics who picked us up. Wall. The whole bathroom must be thoroughly cleaned. "

Prior to the incident, Stuart had never handled a reptile – even knowingly.

The python that was entering an Exeter apartment

" I did not Never, never had a snake in my bathroom. I was so amazed. I told myself "How did it go?" – Goodness knows, I do not know. "

Stuart's friend and social worker Jason was completely struck by the discovery

Below: Watch Jason relive the surreal moment

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He says, "I went in and I opened the door, thinking that a bottle of bleach had fallen to the ground or something and that there was an enormous snake curled up

"And I had to go in and out because I just could not believe it. "

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