The White House used Chinese-made silverware at the Made in America product exhibition: report


The White House reportedly used Chinese silverware by serving refreshments Monday during its annual presentation of Made in America products, intended to show products made in America.

According to, Matt Roberts, president Sherrill Manufacturing of New York, the latest American cutler, said the White House has used Oneida Ltd. cutlery, which now sells cutlery manufactured abroad, during the annual presentation.

The media reported that Representative Claudia Tenney (RN.Y.) and Sherrill Manufacturing made repeated efforts to convince the White House to buy American silverware. Charles Schumer Charles (Chuck) Ellis SchumerMbadachusetts Pbades NASTY Women Act Repealing the 173 Year Abortion Ban Judiciary Group Launches Third Announcement Purchase to Push Kavanaugh Confirmation Data confirm that (DN.Y.) also asking President Trump Donald John TrumpGiuliani: Trump would agree to interview Mueller if no question about obstruction Haley: Russia " will never be "friend The American company NASTY Women Act has repealed the abortion ban of 173 years MORE to buy the company's Liberty table utensils for state dinners.

Greg Owens, co-founder and CEO of Sherrill Manufacturing, told Syracuse. com that he has been contacted by the Trump administration in the past about buying his cutlery, but he said that he has never heard from any of the officials

"With everything going on in the world, the forks and spoons in your kitchen are not exactly the top priority at the White House," Roberts said.

Owens stated that he had been informed later on Monday by a White House collaborator that the President had seen the Liberty Tabletop company cutlery on display during a visit to the dining room of the state.

"Apparently he pointed it out and said," I want this stuff in the White House. "So, I'm waiting to receive a phone call or email in the next two days," Owens said.

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