Theresa May prepares for showdown with Brexit rebels


Theresa May faces a serious challenge from conservative rebels who oppose her plans to leave the European Union

Amidst a growing crisis for the Prime Minister MEPs will vote on a series of amendments tabled by members of the European Research Group (ERG), which seeks to destroy an exit plan from the EU to Checkers.

Controversial plans, which detail "a common settlement" covering a new free trade area between the UK and the European Union, But they sparked a total of eight resignations including that of the Brexit Secretary David Davis and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, and a growing threat to the British government. Prime Minister.

It has been reported that more than 100 Brexite MPs joined a WhatsApp group coordinating voting tactics against Ms. May, and would meet before a vote on the customs bill.

  Boris Johnson & s; the resignation was a blow to the cabinet of Theresa May
The resignation of Boris Johnson struck a blow to the cabinet of Theresa May

Increasingly visible personalities such as Jacob Rees-Mogg marked the Prime Minister's Approach to Brexit Negotiations "

The pro-EU conservatives also filed objections to the Customs and Trade Bill, while the former Secretary of Education and MP Justine Greening called for a second referendum. I wanted Premier Checkers' agreement to be a workable compromise, "she wrote in The Times. "It is clear that this is not the case."

"The only solution is to take the final Brexit decision out of the hands of politicians in the stalemate, far from the secret markets, and return it to the people," she added. 19659013] 3:57

Theresa May: We risk not receiving any Brexit

New New Labor personalities have also criticized the Prime Minister, former leader Tony Blair brandishing the proposals " just mush "

The amendments to vote on Monday are unlikely to pbad without the support of Labor, but they represent a show of power of the Brexite deputies to the Prime Minister.

Ms. May said that she was forced to come forward She called her compromise plan avoiding the need for a tough border in Ireland while maintaining a "frictionless" European trade and allowing the United Kingdom to negotiate free trade.

million. Johnson has also made his first public intervention since his resignation last week, with a column in the Daily Telegraph promising to resist "for now" the urge to "talk about Brexit"

"He is time for all of us – at this criticism It's a moment in our constitutional development – to believe in ourselves, to believe in the British people and what it can do, and in our democracy ", he wrote

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