Three of the world's rarest pigs born at Chester Zoo


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  • Three of the world's rarest pigs born at Chester Zoo

    Three of the world's rarest pigs were born at Chester Zoo and visitors have already fallen in love.

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Three of the world's rarest pigs are born in the Chester Zoo, and visitors have already fallen in love.

The zoo showed the newborns for the first time in a video that showed them playing in the sun after wallowing in the mud.

By posting on Facebook, Chester Zoo said, "Congratulations to mom Kendari on her baby babirusa triplets!"

THREE little pigs play in the mud for the first time … ? Congratulations to mom Kendari on her baby babirusa triplets! ???

Posted by Chester Zoo on Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The adorable video of the early piglets now has over 30,000 views

Tim Rowlands, mammal curator at the zoo, said: "Babirusa are, without a doubt, one of the rarest porcine species on the planet."

"The Chester Zoo is also one of the world's leading breeders of these pigs charismatic.

"The new trio of piglets from Kendari is a special addition to the world's population."

(Chester Zoo)

The rare set of piglets was born on May 20

Kendari had taken care of his young in an area of reproduction behind the scenes, but the zoo now shows newborns in its babirusa habitat.

Babirusa pigs are found only on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. , and there are only 5,000 individuals estimated to remain of the species.

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