"Too many questions, too few answers" in Brexit discussions


The Brexit Chief Negotiator of the European Union said that there were still too many questions and too few answers in discussions between the EU and Britain on the withdrawal from the country.

Michel Barnier Issues such as data protection, cooperation between law enforcement and judicial authorities, and the governance of the withdrawal agreement are issues that remain unresolved between the two parties. "In the Brexit negotiations, there are still too many questions and too few answers., Adding that there was no time to reach an agreement on these issues"

Barnier said at the conference that the EU's single market would suffer no harm.

He also declared that 'in this period when the EU' faces so many challenges', it is even more important to Strengthen and consolidate the Monkey Market.

With respect to Northern Ireland, Mr. Barnier says that there needs to be more clarity and, more importantly, long-term certainty. [19659002] He said that all of the issues raised in the proposal for support must be resolved and that it is time to do so.

Barnier: we must find a solution that respects the l & # 39; integrity of the single market Our backstop means that the limited set of EU rules continues to be applied and exists act Already today, livestock entering NI from the rest of the United Kingdom are controlled at entry

– Tony Connelly (@tconnellyRTE) July 6, 2018

M. Barnier said he was waiting for the British policy paper on his future relations with the EU, which is expected to be released next week.

BREAKING Barnier: I have a true respect for Theresa May and I know that her daily work is not easy. I do not want to comment on the white paper that is not yet published. Allow me to take my time with my team to review this document carefully and accurately next week.

– Tony Connelly (@tconnellyRTE) July 6, 2018

He said that his goal has always been to find an agreement with the UK, not against it.

Barnier's comments come as British Prime Minister Theresa May's cabinet meets for a high-level meeting on Britain's future relations with the EU.

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