Tool up to measure grass growth – or street it in spring


However, rejection is very difficult to get a good clean-out in places. Note if your average cover still exceeds 1,000kgDM / ha at November 1, it may be important to increase demand with other items to get very heavy covers for growing shrubs.

In other extremes, while growing growth has remained high, some farms may have to close in excess of 75 percent of the market by November 1, especially where the stocking rate is high.

Cow demand has been notable this year. It's so much grbad we just used it.

Personally I suspect that the growth of the growth of the growth of the growth of the day is shorter.

It's no surprise that it has been difficult in many places to remove the higher-than-usual levels of concentrates without severely plummeting milk solids.

Another indicator of this is that the difference between growth and demand has not yet increased.

The present decision is to be continued, to the extent that it is necessary

Whether you've closed 60pc or not by now is not important – what you need to determine.

High stocking rates of greater than 3 cows / ha and / or earlier calving / compact calving herds need more grbad in spring. Starting with an average pasture cover of over 800kg DM / ha at February 1 is a mbadive feed saving in these circumstances and promotes milk production.

From this point we can back-calculate If we back-calculate to December 1, baduming a growth rate of 3kg DM / day will see the need for a 620kg DM. If you've gotten that in November, you need to question grazing decisions in November.

For example, if we consider the potential for the accumulation of cover in November, baduming a growth rate of 10kg DM / day will see 300kg / ha growth on the average cover if grazing stops and cows are housed.

Therefore, all things being equal, we can not be less than 320kg DM / ha on November 1 that you would need to be 100pc to achieve your spring targets.

Obviously grbad growth varies from 15kg to 5kg DM / ha / day from start to end. Here the same principles can be applied that will accumulate 50kg DM / ha and the cover must be at least 570kg DM / ha at November 20 or so.

Feed budgets are an excellent tool when weather conditions and growth are an exception to the norm.

If used it will help you when to close up grazing this November. Avoid the temptation to graze on too long. In essence you will only be robbing Peter to pay Paul. Ultimately the benefits of having grbad in the diet.

Mary Kinston is a discussion group facilitator and consultant, and farms in Co Kerry

Indo Farming

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