Tory to sue BBCNI about the Brexit program


  • Tory will sue the BBCNI about the Brexit program

    The former vice president of the Scottish Conservative Party, Richard Cook, instructed lawyers following a BBCNI program Spotlight titled Brexit, Dark Money and the DUP. : // Scottish Conservative Party Vice President Richard Cook instructed lawyers following a BBCNI Spotlight program entitled Brexit, Dark Money And The DUP.

    The Spotlight Program Examined Mr. Cook's Role in a £ 435,000 Donation Received by the DUP in the Brexit Referendum Campaign

    The money was used to fund publicity campaigns Brexit outside of Northern Ireland. Jim Fitzpatrick presented the Spotlight survey, which aired in June of this year.

    million. Cook is the president of the Constitutional Research Council who donated to the DUP.

    In a statement released yesterday, Mr. Cook's legal counsel, Professor Peter Watson of Glasgow's PWB Law, told reporters, "The BBC's documentary is defamatory."

    "The lawyers were educated and all who choose to repeat the allegations will also be liable to prosecution. "

    A BBC spokesperson said last night:" We support our journalism. We are not aware of Mr. Cook's lawyers' correspondence since the broadcast of the program.

    "The program was produced according to our editorial guidelines."

    Spotlight is the flagship program of the BBC in Northern Ireland.

    During its 40 years of existence, the program has won numerous awards from the broadcasting industry, including an award from the Royal Television Society in 2017 for its investigation of controversial home loans of NI related to the Nama. 19659019] Belfast Telegraph

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