Trump and Putin discussed the referendum in Ukraine, said the Russian ambassador


  The Russian ambbadador said that a referendum was discussed (AP) "title =" The Russian ambbadador said that a referendum was discussed (AP) "width = "620" height = "349" rel = "nofollow" />
</span><figcaption>  The Russian ambbadador said that a referendum was discussed (AP) </figcaption></figure>
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  • Trump and Putin discussed the referendum in Ukraine, the Russian ambbadador said [19659004] Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Donald Trump At their summit in Helsinki earlier this week, Russia's ambbadador to the United States said that the referendum had taken place in the United States. East of Ukraine has a separatist tendency. ambbadador-says-37138465.html

    https: //www.independent .ie / world-news / article37138458.ece / c7faf / AUTOCROP / h342 / ipanews_0f6bcb31-0395-48c6-82b2-41898ecfe212_1 [19659008 Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Donald Trump discussed a possible referendum in the East of Ukraine with the approach of independence at their summit in Helsinki earlier this week, announced the Russian ambbadador to the United States.

    Anatoly Antonov revealed the discussions amidst the confusion and concern in the United States about what the two presidents had agreed behind closed doors

    : "This question (of a referendum) was discussed ". Concrete proposals "to the US President on solutions to the four-year-old Ukrainian conflict, which killed more than 10,000 people."

    The movement can be seen as an effort to bypbad European peace efforts and increase pressure on the Ukrainian government. in its protracted conflict with pro-Russian separatists in the Donbbad region.

    million. Trump tweeted that the two men had discussed Ukraine, but did not mention a referendum or revealed details.

    The United States and Russia opposed the sides of the conflict in Ukraine, which sparked after a popular uprising against a pro-Russian president and the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014. [19659013TheSummitwithRussiawasagreatsuccesbadceptwiththerealenemyofthepeoplethefakemediaIlookforwardtooursecondmeetingsothatwecanstartimplementingsomeofthemanythingsdiscussedincludingstoppingterrorismsecurityforIsraelnuclearpower

    – Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 19, 2018

    …. proliferation, cyberattacks, trade, Ukraine, peace in the Middle East, North Korea and more. There are many answers, some easy and some difficult, to these problems … but they can all be solved!

    – Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 19 July 2018

    The Ukraine and the European powers It is not expected that they will support a referendum in the Donbbad, where pro-Russian separatists dominate.

    They engaged in a peace agreement signed in 2015 in the Belarusian capital of Minsk that helped reduce the fighting.

    million. Putin sought to ally himself with Mr Trump at a time when American ties with Europe are fraying, and both presidents criticize the EU and NATO.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized the questioning of the central principle of NATO's collective defense

    M. Antonov called Monday's summit in Helsinki a "key event" in international politics and laughed at suggestions that the two men had made "secret deals". 48c6-82b2-41898ec Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin shake hands in Helsinki (Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP)

He insists that diplomatic talks must remain discreet to be effective, but gives some details of their discussions on Arms control and says The summit has made progress in particular on US-Russian cooperation on the future of Syria.

The ambbadador also said that Moscow was ready to discuss a possible visit of Mr. Putin to Washington after a surprise invitation from Mr. Trump. it is important to "treat the results" of their first summit before jumping too fast into a new one, but that "Russia was always open to such proposals.We are ready for discussions on this subject."

The Kremlin has the last word, but has not yet responded to the proposal made by Mr. Trump on Thursday.

The news of the invitation took a lot of Washington off guard. 19659029] ipanews_0f6bcb31-0395-48c6-82b2-41898ecfe212_embedded237630868 "title =" Mr Trump and Mr Putin held a historic summit this week (AP) "width =" 620 "height =" "rel =" nofollow "/>

million. Trump and Putin held a historic summit this week (AP)

"Say that again?" National Intelligence Director Dan Coats responded, once informed of the invitation during an appearance at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.

"OK," he continued, stopping to breathe deeply. "It's going to be special."

The Russian ambbadador to Washington also denounced "anti-Russian anger" in the United States and the "severity" of American criticism of Mr. Trump's performance at the summit.

He reiterated the denials of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election – interrupting an interrogator to declare: "We have not interfered!"

#Antonov : The Russian Embbady takes all possible measures to solve the problem of Maria Butina. detention in the United States as soon as possible. There is nothing new in this case. The US intelligence services are hunting Russian citizens not only in the #US ??, but also in other countries.

– Russia in the United States ?? (@RusEmbUSA) July 18, 2018

M. Antonov also reiterated the denials of the Russian involvement in the poisoning of the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal

Meanwhile, the ambbadador also called for the release of & dans dans 39 39 [[[[[[[[[[[agunrightsactivistaccusedofbeingasecretagentintheUnitedStatescallingherarresta"joke"

Before and after the election of Donald Trump as President, Butina, 29, denied committing wrongdoing and the Russian Foreign Ministry launched an online campaign for his release.

Association of the press

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