Trump greets Boris Johnson as future PM and attacks Sadiq Khan | American News


Donald Trump praised Boris Johnson as a future prime minister, accused London Mayor Sadiq Khan of doing a "bad job" on terrorism and said that there had been too much violence. Immigration to Europe in an incendiary interview The day before the US President was to have bilateral talks with Theresa May, Trump used an interview with Sun, of Rupert Murdoch, to endorse his main conservative rival just days after his resignation in 1965, Trump describes Johnson as a "very talented guy" for whom he has "a lot of respect". He claimed that he was not trying to pit Johnson against his host, but added, "I'm just saying that I think it would be a great prime minister. He has what he needs. "

The President – who said he would like to see Johnson on his trip to the UK – added that" Johnson likes me well. , and said very good things about me.I was very saddened to see that he was leaving the government and I hope that he will return there at some point.I think that He is a great representative for your country. "

Last month, a leaked record of Johnson revealed that the former Foreign Secretary" admired more and more Donald Trump ". The Conservative MP said Trump would negotiate the "bloody" Brexit, adding, "There would be all sorts of breakdowns, all sorts of chaos, everyone would think that he's gone crazy." But in fact you could get something This is a very, very good idea. "

Trump should have a summit meeting with May on Friday at lunch time before meeting the Queen for tea at Windsor Castle and then head for Scotland. Demonstrations have been organized to follow him throughout the UK, with an event scheduled for Friday afternoon in London where organizers are expecting tens of thousands of spectators.

The President renewed his rivalry with Khan with a series of snarling comments as mayor of London, trying to blame him for the series of deadly terrorist attacks in the capital last year in Westminster, London Bridge and outside the Finsbury Park Mosque

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"Take a look at the terrorism that's happening.look out what's happening in London," said Trump, before referring directly to Khan: "I think he's done a very bad work on terrorism.I think that he's done a bad job on crime, if you look, all the horrible things going on there, with all the crime that's being brought. "

Trump even seemed to hold Khan personally responsible for immigration in Europe, in particularly inflammatory comments. "I think that allowing millions and millions of people to come to Europe is very, very sad.I look at the cities of Europe and I can be specific if you wish.You have a mayor who has made a terrible job in London.He did a terrible job. "

The US President has repeatedly clashed with the mayor of London, tweeting last June after the London Bridge attack that Khan was wrong to go to court. call for calm. "At least 7 dead and 48 injured in a terrorist attack and the mayor of London says there is" no reason to worry! "," Trump said that time – prompting Khan to call the US leader "misinformed"

The president returned to the topic of immigration elsewhere in the interview, doing the same. Other controversial statements: "Enabling immigration to Europe is a shame. I think that has changed the fabric of Europe and, unless you act very quickly, it will never be what it was and I do not say it from a positive way. "

Trump also complained that Khan had given a six-meter-high" Trump Baby "airship to fly over Westminster on Friday.He said he was happy to spend little time in the capital during his trip. of three days: "I loved London as a city, I have not been there for a long time, but when they make you feel bad, why should I stay here?"

in Murdoch have repeatedly provided interviews with Trump. In addition to regular appearances on his Fox TV network, Michael Gove, in his brief period as a backbencher, interviewed the US President for the Times in January 2017 while the media mogul was in the news. piece.

In his Trump White House chronicle, Fire and Fury, Michael Wolff said that Murdoch is a confidant of Trump, one of the billionaires the US president calls to discuss politics and current affairs .

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