Trump piled up a remarkable amount of misogyny in just 24 hours


The aggressive misogyny of Donald Trump was in full screen this week. In fact, it was only one day: Thursday, when the President of the United States belittled women and badual abuse victims by rushing to defend the men accused of stalking. have allowed badual misconduct.

First, the White House announced that former co-president of Fox News Bill Shine would be Trump's new deputy chief of communications. Shine is best known for helping Fox News co-founder and former president Roger Ailes and former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly at s & # 39 out of it with badual misconduct for years

. the day Trump defended another man, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who is accused of neglecting the badual abuse of university athletes when he was a wrestling coach at Ohio State University in the late 1980s 90. [19659002TrumpcrownedthedaybymockingMeToo a powerful feminist movement that threatens men like him – the president grab – "em-by-the-bad." Thanks to Me Too, it has become more difficult to escape the badual badault.

At this point, no one is surprised that Trump publicly disparages women or badual abuse victims.

Still, that does not mean that women should be complacent about Trump's behavior. "If we stop drawing attention to how an incumbent president defends and allows abusers, then we lose all hope of trying to stop it," said Karin Roland , campaign manager of UltraViolet, a women's organization. against the hiring of Shine in a statement Thursday.

But that day, Trump once again made it clear that he was standing with these men accused of badual misconduct – a pattern that has more clearly emerged over the past year .

It is to whom he identifies, after all, having been accused himself by at least 20 women of various badual harms, including badaults and rapes.

"It would be incredible, but it's exactly what we're used to from this president," Roland said.

His group helped to force Fox News's ousting of Shine where he allegedly played a key role in the perpetuation of a toxic culture, not only to conceal the allegations of badual misconduct, but also to defend the perpetrators.

His exact duties are not yet clear, but it seems that as chief of staff badume leadership duties, supervise press and communication teams, according to The New York Times . Shine has been charged again and again to cover the harbadment defendants Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly and others, while the women have been driven out of the industry entirely, " Lisa tweeted Bloom a lawyer who represented several Fox News accusers.

After spotting several Fox News accusers, let me tell you: it's worse than that. Mr. Shine has been repeatedly charged with conceal the harbadment charges of the accused Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly and others, while the women were driven out of the industry entirely. #FillTheSwamp https: // t Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) 5 July 2018

Former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson tweeted Thursday "Life … works in a mysterious way", noting that Shine's leasing was announced almost exactly two years after she filed a harbadment complaint LEMENT against badual Wings.

"Sorry for the insult Gretchen insult to all of us, who must now pay the salary Shine," wrote a Twitter user in response. Carlson replied, "Thank you."

Thank you

– Gretchen Carlson (@GretchenCarlson) July 5, 2018

But if the insult of the Shine lease was too subtle to catch it, there was more to come. Also on Thursday, Trump congratulated Jordan, who five men accused of turning a blind eye to badual abuse by a doctor at Ohio State when Jordan was an badistant wrestling coach at the university.

"I considered Jim Jordan as a friend, but at the end of the day, he completely lies, he says that he does not know what is happening," said Former wrestler from Ohio Mike DiSabato NBC News .

Calling Jordan an "exceptional man", Trump said that he believed the congressman when he said that he knew nothing at the time of what was happening.

"I believe it 100% No question in my mind," Trump told reporters before a rally in Montana on Thursday.

His comments echoed previous statements of support for others Men accused of badual misconduct, including Senate candidate Roy Moore accused of attacking girls and young women. "He says that did not happen. You must listen to it, "said Moore's president in November.

When charges of domestic violence – including photographic evidence – were laid against Rob Porter this year, Trump said Porter was" innocent. "

Yet, if you did not receive the message that Trump did not accuse the accusers, he made his position even clearer Thursday night in Montana, where he made fun of the Me movement Too.

Trump did it by the way, while threatening to attack essentially Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mbad.) By throwing him a DNA kit (He has an obsession with his ethnicity .)

"We're going to take this little kit and say – but we have to do it gently because we're in the Me Too generation, so we must be very sweet, "said Trump. "And we'll take this kit very gently, and we'll let it go slowly, hoping it will not hit it and hurt its arm, even if it weighs only 2 ounces."

It was an obvious attempt to diminish Me Too. Yet, there is irony in all this. The movement has surely grown in response to Trump's actions and statements.

"Women have been talking about badual badault and badual abuse for generations, and this is not new," Roland said. "But there was an urgent call and waking up to many people about the problem that was informed by the fact that the country knowingly elected a bad offender."

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