Trump says every country calls every day to make an agreement on trade


President Donald Trump said he "does not back off" on tariffs.

"The big thing I'm focusing on right now is trade, I need to straighten out the trade deals," Trump told host Maria Bartiromo in an interview on Fox News on Sunday morning. "… We have the worst trade deals in the world, we are losing money with everyone … We will make it reciprocal, we will make them fair."

Trump continued: "I'll tell you, you do not know, but every country calls every day saying," Let's make a deal, let's make a deal. "[So everything is going to work out.] [19659002] He also repeated an affirmation that the current economy "could be the greatest economy we have ever had".


Trump's comments come amidst tensions over trade with China, Europe, Mexico and Canada, who fought back after Trump's announcement of tariffs. Steel, aluminum and agricultural products last month.

US lawmakers and international leaders have criticized Trump's decision to impose tariffs, a new wave of which will come into force on July 6 to target Chinese industrial products.

"Would it be better to have our allies together to go against China, instead of repelling our allies?" Bartiromo asked.

But Trump doubled his previous comments against the US allies and his decision to impose tariffs on them.

"The European Union is perhaps as bad as China, just smaller, OK, it's terrible what they do to us," said Trump, adding: "J & rsquo; Likes these countries, Germany and all the countries … But they treat us very badly, they treat us very unfairly. "


Trump's chief economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, said the measures are a tactic to bring other leaders to the table to work out better deals.

Meanwhile, economists say that Trump's protectionist policies are comparable to the economic policies of the 1980s, hurting the US economy, increasing costs for US consumers and failing to reduce the US trade deficit.

See the clips from the interview below:

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