Trump threatens sanctions against Turkey over American pastor


WASHINGTON / ISTANBUL (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to slap "broad sanctions" on Turkey unless it freed an American pastor, prompting an angry response from Ankara and escalating tensions between the two NATO allies.

A spokesman for Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan called Washington's unacceptable threats and damaging to the U.S.-Turkey alliance.

"The United States must reconsider its approach and adopt a constructive position before inflicting further damage to its own interests and its alliance with Turkey," Erdogan's spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, said in a written statement.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu Called U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss the threat of sanctions, Turkish and State Department officials said, without elaborating.

The Trump admin. Andrew Brunson a day after a court ordered that he be moved to house arrest after 21 months in detention. He is on trial for terrorism charges.

"The United States will impose wide penalties on pastor Andrew Brunson," a great Christian, "" Trump wrote in a tweet.

"He is suffering greatly. This innocent man of faith should be released immediately! "

Shortly before, Vice President Mike Pence, has become Christian, made a similar threat directly to Turkey's president.

"To President (Tayyip) Erdogan and the Turkish Government, Pastor Andrew Brunson, President of the United States of America conference hosted by the US State Department.

Neither Trump nor Pence elaborated on what sanctions they could impose, although sanctions experts speculated that the administration could consider visa restrictions against senior Turkish officials.

U.S. evangelicals have been an influential part of Trump's coalition of support, both in his campaign and in his administration, and have pushed the White House to act on the Brunson case.

Trump's ambbadador for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback, said Brunson's detention had been raised with Turkey's leadership for some months, and he was not free.

The threat of sanctions prompted downturn in Turkey's financial markets. There were no immediate comments from the lawmakers who have fallen into the darkness of Turkey.

Turkey's lira currency briefly weakened to 4.89 to the dollar, following Pence's comments. The Istanbul Stock Exchange .XU100 fell as much as 1.75 percent before picking up slightly.

Trump's threat comes as the Turkish lira has lost one-fifth of its value this year over the central bank's ability to rein in double-digit inflation.

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"Turkey's economy is very shaky," said Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington. "Erdogan has taken control of the economy and has a negative macroeconomic credibility, so we expect a serious current account crisis. US threats of sanctions aggravate it. "

Brunson, who is from North Carolina and has worked in Turkey for more than 20 years, has been accused of helping the group. who has denied the charges, faces up to 35 years in jail if found guilty.

"I think that the President is being wise and applying pressure," said Senator Thom Tillis, a North Carolina Republican, who attended Brunson's hearing and co-sponsored a bill to punish Turkey for detaining the pastor.

Erdogan has a relationship with the U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen. Ankara accuses Gulen of masterminding the failed coup, and has long sought his extradition to Turkey. Gulen has been denied in the coup attempt, in which 250 people have been killed.

Brunson's detention has deepened between Washington and Ankara, which is also at odds over the Syrian war and Turkey's plan to buy missile defenses from Russia.

On Wednesday, Brunson was escorted out of prison in the coastal city of Izmir, and left in a convoy of cars. His lawyer said he was instructed to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet.

U.S. and Turkish officials had been working on a deal that would lead to Brunson's release, and Washington's latest news, a source told Reuters on Wednesday.

U.S. It was said that the issue was not released, the source said, adding that it was not released, and that it was not released.

Addressing Brunson's daughter in the audience, Pence said: "I promise you, have I told you my father's day, President Trump and I will be back to your family. United States of America. "

Additional reporting by Dominic Evans, Steve Holland, Daphne Psaledakis and Tulay Karadeniz; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and James Dalgleish

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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