Trump's backtracking on suggested migrants could be slaughtered


US President Donald Trump has retracted his suggestion that soldiers fire migrants who throw stones at the US-Mexico border.

Mr Trump had yesterday suggested to the army to shoot at migrants who cross the border illegally if they throw stones at the troops.

"When they throw stones as they did to the Mexican military police, I tell them: consider this a rifle," said Trump.

Today, he said only rock throwers would be arrested.

"They will not be forced to shoot, what I do not want is that I do not want these people to throw stones," Trump told the press in front of the White House.

"If they do it with us, they will be arrested for a long time."

He also said yesterday that his administration was finalizing a plan to block the asylum applications of migrants who do not travel to the United States through a legal entry point, although the law Federal law allows any migrant to the United States to do so.

Trump's rhetoric about the shooting of migrants has been criticized by human rights groups who claimed he was stirring up fear before the mid-term elections.

Calling migrants as a threat to national security "is as absurd as it is cruel," Human Rights First human rights group said in a statement.

Trump has toughened his position on migration to strengthen his political base ahead of next week's congressional elections.

His Republican party is engaged in a bitter struggle to maintain control of the House of Representatives in Tuesday's elections, even though he should win seats in the Senate.

The Pentagon announced Monday that it was deploying more than 5,200 soldiers at the border on the order of Mr. Trump to confront a caravan of men, women and women. children crossing Mexico as they flee violence and poverty in Central America.

Mr Trump called it "invasion" of migrants.

Mexico reported that 2,800 to 3,000 people were in the caravan, which left Honduras in mid-October, although many of them are expected to land before the US border. .

Today, a smaller caravan of El Salvador has crossed a river to enter the state of Chiapas, southern Mexico.

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