Trump's Dumb Tweets Could Finally Add To Big Trouble


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It seems like it's only a matter of time before Robert Mueller starts investigating Donald Trump's tweets. And it seems that the time has come. The New York Times reports that the special advocate "scrutinizes the tweets and negative statements" from the president about James Comey and Jeff Sessions. Specifically, Mueller wants to know if Trump's behavior adds to the obstruction of justice. Boy, there are a lot of tweets, too.

The Times report cites three anonymous sources claiming that Mueller turns to Trump's relentless remarks about Comey and Sessions, particularly those that relate to the investigation into Russian interference in 2016 election . Some of these statements may represent a tendency to intimidate witnesses and put pressure on senior officials for them to stop investigating. Here is a list of the Times, detailing what Mueller is interested in:

Mr. Mueller wants to question the president about the tweets. His interest in them is the latest addition to a series of presidential actions that he is studying as a possible case of obstruction: private interactions with Mr. Comey, Mr. Sessions and other highs. officials of the administration about the investigation of Russia; misleading statements by the White House; public attacks; and offers of possible forgiveness to potential witnesses.

That's a lot of things. Although the story of Trump who secretly encourages Comey to lend his loyalty is now widely known, other more nuanced interactions – including countless tweets – could also be envisioned. For example, the Times says the special advocate will review statements by White House press secretary Sarah Sanders in addition to Trump's own statements. The "offers of possible pardon" cited in the report, for their part, probably refer to Trump's lawyer who offered pardons to Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn last year.

Now about these tweets. President Trump has much tweeted since his inauguration last January. If you reduce the tweets of about Comey and Sessions you get a veritable avalanche of accusations and insults. The Times reports a specific set of tweets in which the president appears to be asking the Justice Department to investigate Comey. Again, it is difficult not to remember Trump's most famous tweets about Comey and not to interpret them as intimidating:

As for his tweets about the Attorney General, it is possible that Trump is in trouble for his complaints about Sessions that recuse themselves from the Russian investigation. The Times reported in May that Trump had privately asked Sessions to reverse his challenge, an act that could be problematic in the face of tweets like this:


It would not be the first time that an unfortunate tweet was acting against the president. Last year, a federal court of appeal cited one of Trump's tweets by confirming a block on one of its travel bans. No matter what happens, the world finds itself with an obvious and powerful conclusion of these latest news: never tweet.

[New York Times]

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