Trump's mid-term message draws inspiration from progressive rhetoric


The President, who clearly thinks he's back, is back in Washington to unveil his second Supreme Court choice next week after spending the weekend angry at his supporters with a rhetoric bold and inflammatory about immigration.

"The focus will be on the selection of a new Supreme Court, exciting times for our country, the economy may be stronger than it has been never been!" Trump said in an optimistic tweet how he returned to the White House from his New Jersey golf club.

Naming a replacement for Anthony Kennedy, who announced his retirement last week, will allow Trump to discuss in November the social conservatives who swallowed scruples about his character to help him bring to the White House that his bet has been richly rewarded.

Trump also tore up the first divisions of the Democratic Party division, using his Twitter megaphone several times to accuse his opponents of diving sharply. the left, giving a quick overview of the recovery strategy which, he hopes, will prevent a blue wave in November.

"The liberal left, also known as Democrats, wants to get rid of ICE, which" Trump wrote in a tweet that garnered 106,000 likes by Sunday night

The tweets crystallized the mid-term election of Trump. ssage, which is designed to confuse the historical omens that first-quarter presidents rarely get the same kind of mid-term participation that they had in their own victories euphoric election.

By constantly hypnotizing the threat of undocumented migrants, Trump understands that he can get into the blood of his most loyal supporters on a subject that has animated his election campaign more than anything else. 19659002] By castigating the "liberal left" and relying on the calls of some prominent democrats, including some of its potential opponents 2020, For the abolition of the agency of immigration and customs, Trump can portray its opponents as extreme and weak on national security.

Focusing on ICE helps Trump to blur the debate over his administration's unpopular separation policy. last week, despite the fact that few families separated during the storm on the strategy were met.

The rump again uses immigration is a sign that, although it is obliged to backtrack on the separations, it does not have the intention to bring down the temperature on a question that has been repeated several times

. by eradicating the worst criminal elements, "Trump told ICE agents in a tweet published on Saturday.

" So brave! The radicals left Dems want you out. Then it will be the police. "

There were already signs on Sunday that Trump's pressure was making some Democrats uncomfortable about the calls of eminent party figures for the eradication of ICE

Tammy Duckworth The State of the CNN Union has condemned the policy of "horrible" separations from the administration, but refused to join the demands of some colleagues, including New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Mbadachusetts, for the ICE to be abolished, join Dem's colleagues in calls to abolish ICE's "data-src-mini =" // cnnnext / dam / badets / 180323085722-tammy-duckworth-07-11-2017-small-169.jpg "data-src-xsmall =" // -07-11-2017-medium-plus-169.jpg "data-src-small =" wide-169.jpg "data-src-medium =" // badets / 180323085722-tammy-duckworth-07-11-2017-exlarge-169.jpg "data-src-large =" // -2017-super-169.jpg "data-src-full16x9 =" // "data- src-mini1x1 = "//" data-demand-load = "not-loaded" data- eq-pts = "mini: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, large: 781" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAAP /////// wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7" />

"I think there are many other things we can do before we get there at this point, "she said.

Republican hopes of seeing Democrats out of the mainstream were also reinforced by the shock of the first victory of self-proclaimed Socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who defeated the leader of House Democracy. Joe Crowley last week

Trump's efforts to liquidate his political base and the fact that most of the Democratic Party's energy seems to be among the ultra-progressive suggest the importance of the elements the more radical in both parties. shape the mid-term campaign.

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Although Trump is currently enjoying favorable political winds, he has also been warned of his vulnerability this weekend.

He baderted after an appeal to the Saudi king "I just spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and explained to him that because of the turmoil and dysfunction in Iran and Venezuela, I ask the Saudi Arabia to increase oil production, perhaps up to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference … Price to (sp) high! He agreed! "Trump has tweeted on Saturday.

But the White House later corrected this version of events.

"In response to the President's badessment of a deficit in the oil market, King Salman claimed that the kingdom maintains two million barrels a day. It will use this capacity cautiously, if necessary, to ensure the balance and stability of the market and, in coordination with its producing partners, to meet any eventuality, "said the White House in a statement

. the impact of GOP tax cuts on portfolios or ordinary Americans and eat in consumer confidence ahead of an election Republicans are approaching with a message of "peace and prosperity".

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Some Republicans also fear that Trump's growing trade wars with China, NAFTA partners and the European Union may also weaken the economy before November.

For example, the Ottawa government reacted to US steel and aluminum tariffs by applying trade sanctions of nearly $ 13 billion.

More than 40 US steel products were subject to 25% tariffs. A 10% tax was levied on over 80 other American products, including caramel, maple syrup, coffee beans and strawberry jam.

The peace tranche of the peace and prosperity message also seems tenuous. Over the weekend, North Korea had taken steps to increase or mask the production of nuclear materials and missiles contradicted Trump's claims after his summit with Kim Jong Un, which resolved that he had resolved the nuclear threat. Stalinist state

. There were also signs of alternative reality that Trump conjures up when the facts do not match his political advantage, as he claimed that he had never pushed Republicans to vote on a bill. Immigration sentenced, although he did, did exactly that a few days earlier – and the evidence is still in sight on his Twitter feed.
  Trump claims that he has never lobbied House GOP on the immigration bill, despite tweeting contrary

The hyperactive weekend of his golf course proved that Trump would not be the kind of president to manage the country. of its own political imperatives. He constantly nourishes his political base.

But he also shows a more and more confident commander-in-chief, unhindered by the restrictive influences now that the most centrist and conventional members of his original White House staff have left. This will be bad news for US allies preparing for the president's next incursion into the world stage in less than two weeks, after recently blasting the EU and NATO, thinking that American friends are actually enemies and have threatened to withdraw from the World Trade Organization, in the last risk to the international order after the Second World War.

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