Uber driver banned for kicking lesbians in taxi


Emma Pichl, 24, and Alex Lovine, 26, recorded a video of Boutari stopping the car and informing the couple that what they were doing was "illegal ".

»Alex and the driver filed complaints with Uber and the local taxi license company, where the girls claimed that their trip ended after a" peck on the lips "[19659005]. ] The incident, which occurred in New York last month, was pronounced Monday by the administrative judge Joycelyn McGeachy-Kuls

  Emma Pichl, Alex Lovina and Ahmad El Boutari

SG [19659008] REVOKED: Ahmad El Boutari got his return license after driving Emma and Alex out of his car

"It seems unlikely that this" tingling kiss "alone would require him to ask pbadengers to get out of his car "

Judge Joycelyn McGeachy-Kuls

But after reviewing the evidence, she ruled that there was not enough evidence that the driver was discriminating against of the pbadenger's badual orientation.

"[The Taxi and Limousine Commission] provided no evidence that this refusal to continue his service was based on the badual orientation of these pbadengers," she wrote

"[Mr Boutari] testified credible that he had asked the plaintiffs to step out of his because their conduct violated Uber's policy prohibiting any badual contact between pbadengers. "

The couple's statement stated that they had been expelled from the taxi after a" peck on the lips "but the judge was in favor of Mr. Boutari's testimony.

The driver explained how he had asked women to stop kissing heavily during the trip

McGeachy-Kuls wrote: "It seems unlikely that [Boutari] notices a brief" kiss kiss "in his rearview mirror. as he drove to New York.

"It seems improbable that this" kiss "alone is enough to ask pbadengers to get out of their car.

" It is also unlikely that [Boutari] will give up a ticket and risk receiving a "

The judge gave Boutari credit because he filed a complaint with Uber in the hours following the incident, baderting the same arguments, according to The New York Post.

Where was Uber banned?

Uber was confronted with roadblocks of various governments on regulation and competition


  Uber was banned by the City of York
Google Maps

Uber has now been banned by the city of York in a bomb decision

She said the couple, on the other hand, gave contradictory testimony to Uber, New York Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC

Inconsistencies included allegations that the driver was screaming and that he had grabbed Emma's arm, which she later admitted to be false.

The judge added that in order to suspend a driver's license, there must be a "substantial threat to public health and safety" that has not been respected in this case.

The TLC, who will make the final decision on the suspension of Boutari, filed two hearings on his case – one on suspension, and another to revoke his license permanently.

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