Varadkar and May Speak After Prime Minister Obtains Brexit Approval


British Prime Minister Leo Varadkar talks with British Prime Minister Theresa May about the results of the Checkers cabinet on Saturday afternoon.

Leaders speak after May persuaded her firm to support a mild Brexit. informed Taoiseach of the outcome of his cabinet meeting on Friday

. A statement released Friday at the end of a one-day meeting at Checkers suggested that Britain was ready to quickly reach an agreement on the so-called backstop to ensure the border remains open.

This would maintain full regulatory alignment with Europe for commodities and agricultural products, and treat Britain and the EU as a single customs territory.

The Taoiseach hailed the fact that the British government had reached a position where it would submit detailed proposals for future relations between the EU and the UK after Brexit.

He stated that he looked forward to seeing more details on these proposals over the next few days and he noted that the time was running out and that the government would engage in such a way with the Barnier working group and the other Member States in the coming weeks

. that the government was open to proposals that met our objectives of avoiding a strict border and maintaining free trade with the United Kingdom, while respecting the single market and the customs union of the United States. ; EU.

million. Varadkar and Mrs May

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, calls for an intensification of negotiations on Brexit because "time is running out"

Mr. Coveney also hailed the fact that the UK government was finalizing specific proposals for the future relationship between the EU and the UK.

"The position of Ireland is that we want to see the closest possible relationship between the EU and the UK," he said. The position r remains clear. Although our preference is always for a comprehensive relationship between the EU and the UK that would resolve all issues, it is essential to ensure a safety net that ensures in all circumstances and regardless of the outcome of the negotiations on the issues. future relations between the EU and the UK.

million. Coveney said the talks needed to be stepped up.

"Time is running out, I am in regular contact with Michel Barnier and my staff are working day after day with the Task Force team he is leading." Our main goal now is to make sure that 39, a withdrawal agreement, including the Irish backstop, is accepted, which will give companies on our islands the certainty of planning a transition to the status quo when the United Kingdom leaves the Union in March 2019. " . Coveney said that the UK statement required "a detailed review" and was looking forward to negotiations Britain's withdrawal deal with the EU was blocked on the issue of the net of Border Security, Brussels stating that it should apply only in the North and London to demand a solution on the scale of the United Kingdom. To avoid creating obstacles in the UK

In a statement issued late Friday, the Irish government said EU ministers would consider UK proposals at a meeting in Brussels July 20th.

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