Warning 'strong' UK food exports vulnerable to hard Brexit


 Enterprise Ireland boss Julie Sinnamon announced results "title =" Enterprise Ireland boss Julie Sinnamon announced results "width =" 620 "height =" 405 "rel =" nofollow
Enterprise Ireland boss Julie Sinnamon announced results

 Ellie Donnelly

  • Warning 'strong' UK food exports vulnerable to hard Brexit


    Food exports by Enterprise Ireland customers increased by 10pc last year to € 11.6bn, with the UK described as a "very strong" market for the sector.


    https://www.independent.ie /business/irish/article37112768.ece/a0753/AUTOCROP/h342/2018-07-13_bus_42445994_I1.JPG

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Food exports by Enterprise Ireland customers increased by 10pc last year to € 11.6bn, with the UK described as a "very strong" market for the sector.

Food exports to China, had already been strong, Enterprise Ireland boss Julie Sinnamon said.

But Ms Sinnamon warned that Ireland's food industry faces being "significantly impacted" in the event of a hard Brexit.

"If there is a hard Brexit we would be concerned for many sectors but would be very impacted and that is why the diversification agenda is really important

" Aim a hard Brexit will impact significantly on agri-food, Engineering, Construction, Lots of Sectors. "

Ms Sinnamon has been responding to questions of the State with responsibility for supporting Irish exporters announcing its results for 2017.

Total sales last year both domestically and overseas by Enterprise Ireland-supported customers topped € 44.4bn, year 8pc increase year-on-year.

In what was a record year for exports from Ireland Enterprise customers, export sales recorded in 2017 topped € 22.7bn, a 7pc increase on the previous year. [19659005] The UK remains the strongest export market for Enterprise Ireland-supported firms, representing 34pc of exports last year, and delivering a growth of 4pc to € 7.6bn.

Ms Sinnamon said that it had been a hard-won mark and that that Ireland Enterprise customers will continue to sustain their position in it.

Ms Sinnamon went on to say that Enterprise Ireland was working with UK-dependent customers to help them trade that Brexit will bring.

Exports to the Eurozone, which accounts for a fifth of all exports, saw strong growth of 9pc to € 4.6bn.

Referring to this market, Ms. Sinnamon said that it has become more of a domestic marketplace … we need to make sure we are capitalizing on those opportunities.

Construction exports by Ireland Enterprise customers grew by just 1pc last year, having grown up by 9pc the previous year.

This was the result of the decision of the United States, which was made by the United States.

Exports to the US and Canada also increased, up 7pc year-on- year to € 3.96bn. The US-Canada market now accounts for 17pc of exports from Enterprise Ireland-supported companies.

Meanwhile, the United States of America's Pacific market has been 9pc year-on-year to € 1.97bn, or 9pc of exports by Enterprise Ireland companies.

Business Minister Heather Humphreys said the figures were "the robustness and success of Irish companies across the globe."

Irish Independent

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