WATCH: This video of a 21-year-old waitress who bodyslamming a man to fumble has set the Internet on fire


  Caitlin McBride

  • WATCH OUT: This video of a 21-year-old waitress who bodyslam a man to grope her on the Internet

    A 21-year-old waitress who The man who groped her said that she "did not even know I could do it" until the exact moment. the-internet-light-37140654.html

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A waitress of 21 years ago who bodyslammed a man who groped her said that she "did not even know I could do that" until that moment.

It was not the first time that she was trapped – it's an unfortunate reality for most women in every area of ​​life – but it's the first time she physically reacted to self-defense.

Emelia Holden, of Savannah, Georgia, works in a pizzeria and video surveillance videos of a man who walks past her and catches her behind has become viral. Immediately after, she pulls him by the back of his shirt and slams his on the ground and shouts at him to touch her.

"Honestly, I did not even really think about it," she told Inside Edition. I did it, I did not even know that I could do that, I do not care who you are, you do not have the right to disrespect me.

She went into more detail in PEOPLE magazine, saying, "I have not even thought about it, I just reacted, I do not know how I reacted as I l ​​& rsquo; Did it before. " [19659003] "I watched it and said," You do not touch me, motherf *** er. ​​"

She said the guests gave her five good grades after the incident.

The aggressor Ryan Cherwinski (31 years old) was charged with badual violence after the incident and released on bail after three days.

Ms. Holden stated that the video was sufficient evidence to stop the man, explaining: he was just trying to push me out of the way and, "Oh, I've barely touched . & # 39; Once the police saw the video, they immediately stopped it, there is no doubt that he did it. "

" I am happy that other women can see this and know that you can defend yourself, "she added." You also have the right to wear what you want without having to worry about to make you pet. "

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