"We are not heroes": a diver who helped rescue Thai boys from the cave returns to the UK


One of the divers who helped save 12 schoolchildren and their soccer coach from a flooded cave in Thailand played down his heroism by returning to Britain.

John Volanthen and Rick Stanton were called to be honored They were the first divers to reach the group stranded in an underground network in Chiang Rai Province before their successful rescue.

After landing at Heathrow Airport Thursday, Mr. Volanthen spoke of the "relief" that he felt after an 18-day ordeal in Luang Nang Cave, he was modest about his extraordinary feat. "We were very happy and we were very relieved to be all alive, but I think that at that time, we realized the enormity of He added," We are not Hero: "What we do is very calculating, very calm."

Mr. Volanthen also paid tribute to Thai Navy diver Saman Kunan, who died while filling oxygen bottles, claiming that his The death had brought a "bittersweet" taste to an otherwise "excellent" operation

a Bristol-based consultant in the forties, and a Coventry firefighter, Mr. Stanton, who joined the group nine days after disappearing in the labyrinth.

Three of the 12 boys are seen recovering in their hospital bed (Office of the Spokesman of the Thai Government / AP / PA)

The last four boys and their entra The 25-year-old was put on safety Tuesday, they entered the network to be explored on June 23 before being flooded by the monsoon rains.

Their rescue was especially dangerous as boys, aged 11 to 16, had to swim in tight spaces. 19659003] – Associate Press Secretary

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