Weather Forecast for the United Kingdom: Met Office Today Even – Rain and Flooding WARNINGS IN EFFECT | Weather | New


The British are preparing for unstable weather in the coming days, as weather conditions change between warm temperatures and heavy torrential rains.

The Environment Agency has issued a "flood warning" for South East England and four for South West England.

In total, two "Flood Alerts" were issued for northeastern England, one for northwestern England, ten for the southeastern part of England. England and fourteen for southwestern England.

Aidan McGivern, metrologist at the Met Office, said, "The weather is in an unstable state of mind at the moment. We will all be cloudy and mild in the next 24 hours.

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"Most of us will experience intermittent rainstorms – but it's the west that will bear the brunt of the wettest weather, certainly Wednesday and by the end of the week."

On Wednesday morning, "it will be a wet start to many places" as the "wet climate spreads from Scotland" to the west of England, to the west. west of Wales and southwest, he continued.

In Southwest and Wales, the rains will "go up", making the roads "pretty difficult in places" with a lot of stagnant water around, "McGivern predicted.

Due to rainfall, a series of yellow flood warnings will be in effect in southwestern and southeastern England on Wednesday morning.

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The rain "will also continue in the east of England during the morning," according to the Met Office, which also warned that the northern regions of Scotland and the United States are not going to be in trouble. Northern Ireland would be affected by the adverse conditions.

Mr. McGivern said: "In some parts of Northern Ireland, another rain warning will be in effect for next Wednesday because, once again, it will rain up to 60 mm, which could cause problems on the roads, with localized floods. "

Mr. McGivern said that a "strong gusting wind" would sweep away the rain, because "in the morning and in the afternoon, we will witness quite violent conditions on the south coast."

The meteorological expert said: "In parallel with the showers that helped reduce the rain throughout the afternoon, with some sun between showers and wet weather stretching from the east to the east. England to Scotland.

"This is linked to a meteorological front, which will emerge Wednesday night by entering the Shetland and finally disengaging."

McGivern predicted a brief high-pressure ridge across the country.

He said: "This means that for many, we will see a window of finer conditions before more clouds and rain arrive in the west this Thursday".

Thursday will see "disappearing the skies and showers" with the "falling temperatures".

He added, "This weather window does not take a lot of time.

"But the temperatures in the simple numbers we start on Thursday."

Part of Scotland and central and eastern England will experience a "sunny start," predicted the weather specialist.

He said: "But more to the west, more clouds, more rain.

"And this relatively narrow meteorological front will bring more abundant and prolonged rains to southern and central Scotland in North Wales, Pembrokeshire and Cornwall."

He added: "No more wind and rain coming on a Friday – weather warnings in effect."

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