Grafton Group plc Grafton Units (LON: GFTU) Notes Cover
A total of 5 badysts cover Grafton Group PLC (LON: GFTU). The note "Buy" has 2, "Sell" is 0, while 3 are "Pending". (LON: GFTU) has 40% bullish badysts. 14 ratings (LON: GFTU) of November 3, 2018, according to StockzIntelligence Inc. In a report released Wednesday, May 9, Peel Hunt maintained the title with the mention "Hold". In his report of Thursday, August 23, Berenberg maintained the title with the rating "Purchase". In his report of Wednesday, August 22, Peel Hunt maintained the action with the note "Hold". The company's rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity on Wednesday, May 9. The stock rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity with "Hold" on Wednesday, August 22. On Wednesday, July 11, the company was maintained by Liberum Capital. On Wednesday, July 11, Berenberg maintained Grafton Group plc's Grafton Units (LON: GFTU) rating. Berenberg has the "Buy" rating and the GBX 950 target. On Wednesday, August 22, the rating was maintained by Numis Securities with "Add". On Wednesday, October 3, the shares of Grafton Group plc Grafton Units (LON: GFTU) are rated "Hold" by Liberum Capital. The company's rating was maintained by Liberum Capital on Wednesday, May 9th. The Grafton units (LON: GFTU) and the latest Grafton Group plc ratings are listed here.
03/10/2018 Broker: Liberum Capital Rating: Retainer Goal: GBX 830.00 New target: GBX 800.00 Maintain
03/09/2018 Broker: Canaccord Genuity Evaluation: Retention Former Objective: GBX 875.00 New Objective: GBX 875.00 Maintain
23/08/2018 Broker: Berenberg Rating: Buy Old Goal: GBX 950.00 New Goal: GBX 960.00 Reiteration
22/08/2018 Broker: Canaccord Category Genuity: Retention Old Target: GBX 850.00 New Target: GBX 850.00 Maintain
22/08/2018 Broker: Numis Securities Note: Add old target: GBX 850.00 Maintain
22/08/2018 Broker: Liberum Capital Rating: Retention Former Objective: GBX 830.00 Maintain
22/08/2018 Broker: Peel Hunt Clbadification: Retention Former Objective: GBX 810.00 Maintain
11/07/2018 Broker: Berenberg Rating: Buy Old Goal: GBX 950.00 New Goal: GBX 950.00 Maintain
11/07/2018 Broker: Liberum Capital Rating: Retention Former Objective: GBX 830.00 Maintain
11/07/2018 Broker: Peel Hunt Clbadification: Retention Former Objective: GBX 810.00 Maintain
The stock was down 0.41% or GBX 3 during the last trading session, reaching GBX 727. Grafton's Grafton Group plc units have a volume of 235,129 shares. Since November 3, 2017, GFTU has 0.00% and is. GFTU underperformed the S & P500 by 15.62%.
Grafton Group plc is active in the trading, retail and mortar sectors in Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The company has a market capitalization of GBP 1.73 billion. The Company's Merchant segment distributes building and plumbing materials to professionals specializing in home repair, maintenance and improvement projects, as well as in residential and other new construction. The price / earnings ratio is 12.45. It also trades plumbers.
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