What happens to Britain if the UK leaves the EU without agreement?


While the EU and the UK issue guidelines on the preparation of a Brexit without agreement, here are some indications of what could mean leaving the EU without agreement of withdrawal on March 29, 2019.

  • The border between Northern Ireland and the Republic would not be resolved. London and Dublin both said they would not put physical infrastructure at the border. But the Republic will be under intense pressure from Brussels to exercise customs and immigration controls over what will become a new external border for the EU.
  • There would be no 21-month transition period until December 2020
  • Protections afforded to expatriates in the context of withdrawal negotiations could be torn apart, creating uncertainty about rights Legally to live and work of 1.3 British in the EU states and 3.7 million Europeans
  • The relevant EU laws would be transferred into the book of laws of the United Kingdom under the law on the withdrawal of the EU, so that there would be no black holes in the book of Britain
  • . borders and ports, with the fear of long queues if one or the other party decides to impose a reinforced pbadport or customs controls. The United Kingdom would be free to establish its own immigration controls by EU nationals.
  • Delays in cross-Channel freight due to new customs, sanitary and phytosanitary controls could affect food and other commodities. Britain may choose to give up checks to help advance traffic, but the EU might not do it.
  • Without a trade agreement for goods, the United Kingdom should fall back on the rules of the World Trade Organization. ranging from 4% for liquefied natural gas to 9.8% for cars and 32% for wine. Britain would trade with the EU under the "most favored nation" status of the WTO, preventing one or the other party from imposing tariffs punitive, but the abandonment of zero free trade would certainly result in higher prices in the stores. free to sign new free trade agreements with countries around the world, and negotiations would begin seriously with states like the United States and Australia. But these talks could last for years and, meanwhile, the UK would lose access to the EU's free trade agreements with dozens of countries, including Japan, Canada and the United States. South Korea.
  • Leading manufacturers in sectors such as automotive, aerospace and pharmaceuticals would move their UK operations to the remaining 27 EU states in order to avoid the delays and disruption of products and components crossing the border.
  • Financial institutions of the City of London and others around the UK would lose their "pbadport" rights to operate in EU countries, and could activate emergency plans to move a party or all of their operations abroad.
  • An instant manna to the government. But there would be pressure on ministers to compensate for the loss of CAP subsidies of £ 3 billion for farmers, as well as EU support for science and disadvantaged regions.
  • New Provisions Should Be Taken
  • Britain's agreement to pay a "divorce bill" of up to £ 39 billion would be void and a report from the House of Commons Lords suggested that the money would no longer be payable. But some legal experts believe that the EU could bring the United Kingdom to the International Court of Justice to recover the cash, which represents the payments to which Britain is committed while and ## 147 ## She was a member.
  • Great Britain would no longer be bound by justice in Luxembourg. But it would continue to be submitted to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, which is not an organ of the EU.
  • Professionals may find that qualifications obtained in the United Kingdom are no longer recognized in the Member States. authorizations to continue to practice.
  • Individuals and businesses may lose the right to apply for EU grants or offers to work with EU institutions. – PA
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