What's in the Brexit White Paper? | Policy


The government's long-awaited white paper outlining its proposals on Brexit has been published, the longest and most detailed explanation of the government's hopes for future relations with the EU. He sets out many of the same detailed elements after the cabinet meeting at Checkers last week:

Main Principles

The White Paper says that it seeks "a reasoned and practical Brexit", arguing that its proposals stem from Theresa May's previous ones. Keynote address at Lancaster House, Florence, Mansion House, Munich, "and in doing so, responds to questions raised by the EU in the months that follow."

He says that hope is the white paper will see "a doubling of efforts in the negotiations". The main objective, according to him, is "to respect the result of the referendum and the decision of the British public to regain control of the laws, borders and money of the United Kingdom".

The new relationship with the EU should be "wider"

The goal would be "a practical Brexit", with both parties "confident that they can trust and trust the commitments made This would involve regular dialogue, common institutions and "strong and appropriate" means of resolving disputes, involving binding arbitration that would refer to the European Court of Justice. [19659007] Five Key Objectives

As part of the principles that it states The Economy : "Develop a broad and deep economic relationship with the EU that maximizes future prosperity … and minimizes the disruption of trade between the United Kingdom and the EU, the protection of jobs and livelihoods – to the Communities : put an end to free movement with a new immigration system, support to agriculture and agriculture che, and that & # 39; called "shared prosperity fund."

  • The Union : To protect the peace process in Northern Ireland, to avoid a hard Irish border, to safeguard the constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom and to delegate appropriate powers.
  • acy : leave the EU institutions and recover the sovereignty of the United Kingdom, ensure that the laws are adopted in the United Kingdom
  • The United Kingdom's place in the world : General principles such as openness and freedom. 19659003] The goal, according to the white paper, is to create a free trade zone for goods, giving borderless access without friction. This would "protect integrated supply chains and processes" just in time "" without "expensive customs declarations".

    The plan "would allow products to be subject to only one set of approvals and authorizations before they are sold"

    There would be separate arrangements for services, giving the United Kingdom the freedom to "chart its own course in the most important areas for its economy".

    The proposal would imply a common regulation on food and agriculture and the UK's participation in EU agencies for chemicals, aviation and medicines, "accepting the rules of these agencies and contributing to their costs".

    Movement of people

    Free movement of people from the EU to the UK the White Paper says. While the details of the future migration policy will be decided in the coming months, the UK will always seek to attract the "best and brightest" from the EU.

    The new provisions will aim to help businesses get the right staff, travel without a visa for tourism or temporary business trips, and help students study abroad.

    Customs Facilitation (1965A003) This would see the United Kingdom and the EU become a "combined customs territory", in which the United Kingdom apply the EU's tariff and trade policies for goods intended for in block, with domestic tariffs imposed for goods destined for the United Kingdom.

    According to the white paper, the FCA "would preserve a friction-free trade for the majority of British trade, and reduce friction for British exporters and importers."

    In part, the government "would explore the possibilities to use future technological advances to streamline the process, "including machine learning and artificial intelligence. 19659007] Partnership for Security

    This would allow for a continuous sharing of data and information to protect citizens, and the United Kingdom's participation in agencies such as Europol, which would also involve coordination on foreign and defense policy issues.

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