Why does the San Francisco skyline have an Instagram filter on it?


  The skies of San Francisco change color - (@ RickZuzow / Twitter) "title =" The skies of San Francisco change color - (@ RickZuzow / Twitter) "width =" 620 "height =" 349 "rel = "nofollow" />
</span><figcaption>  The San Francisco skyline changes color – (@ RickZuzow / Twitter) </figcaption></figure>
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  • Why does the San Francisco skyline seem to have an Instagram filter on it?


    Blue and gray are the colors that we usually expect to see in the sky, but as July rolled around San Francisco experienced something a little different.

    https://www.independent.ie/world-news/and-finally/why-did -the-sky-on-san-francisco-looks-has-had-an-instagram-filter-on-the-sky -37073486.html

    https://www.independent.ie/world-news/and -finally / article37073480.ece / adf6b / AUTOCROP / h342 / ipanews_04cc0824-ad7d-43eb-a494-258de8cf704f_1

  • Email [19659009] Blue and gray are the colors that we usually expect to see in the sky, but while the month of July revolved around San Francisco experienced something a little different .

The sky seemed rather to have a sepia tone, prompting people to take pictures of the city as if someone had placed an Instagram filter on top of it.

The sky of San Francisco today the fire of Yolo County #countyfire pic.twitter.com/auVcITZomW

– William Chamberlain (@chamberlainwill) July 1, 2018

The sky of San Francisco is weird right now. The scattering of Rayleigh through this cloud exhausts all the blues and leaves us with a sepia sky. pic.twitter.com/weUDCkulsN

– Rick Zuzow (@RickZuzow) July 1, 2018

The images were indeed unfiltered, giving them a nostalgic atmosphere usually reserved for the sleeve of the 39; album. 19659004] Reports indicate that smoke and ash from forest fires in counties north of the city were the cause of the phenomenon, dyeing the sky and watering some areas of ash.

Notice: The air quality of San Francisco is yellow and the counties of Yolo. People with heart / lung disease, older adults and children should consider reducing their prolonged or heavy stress. #sf pic.twitter.com/RrmaAhSD

– San Francisco DEM (@SF_emergency) July 1, 2018

So, even though the sky may look pretty, it could be dangerous.

This does not seem to be a concern of the music artist Dua Lipa though.

The skies of San Francisco were crazy today !! This has no filters on it !! ☄️ pic.twitter.com/LweoAPEt6v

– DUA LIPA (@DUALIPA) 2 July 2018

This is your next album cover.

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