Zimbabwe: Kofi Annan's visit leaves no time for Mugabe


Harare – A delegation of alumni council of respected international personalities led by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Saturday that they had not had the time to see former President Robert Mugabe. former strongman Zanu PF has usually taken the time to visit him at his Blue Roof mansion in Harare.

However, in response to journalists' questions, Annan, who was flanked by former Irish President Mary Robinson, said their program was too hectic.

"We were not able to come in 2008 when we tried to talk to our brothers (at the time)," he said

"This time we are here for a very short time.Honestly, we have not tried to talk with him (Mugabe).

In 2008, Mugabe angrily rejected Annan, the former US President Jimmy Carter and l & # 39; 39; former South African First Lady Graca Machel, while they were trying to help The political crisis in Zimbabwe followed a bloody election following which Morgan Tsvangirai, former MDC-T leader, s & # 39; was withdrawn citing state-sponsored violence that had left thousands displaced and hundreds of deaths, changed since the 1990s when she made a state visit.

"C & # 39; is a different country. We hope the elections will run smoothly, so that the country can focus on development, "she said.

" We hope it will be a free and violent election. This election will be closely followed by the international community and the free and fair election signals sent by the President will be maintained. "

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