Is Alien Life hiding beyond Earth 2.0?


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Artistic representation of a potentially livable exoplanet revolving around a distant star. But we may not need to find a world like Earth to find life; very different planets around very different stars could surprise us in many ways. Whatever the case may be, more information is needed.

NASA Ames / JPL-Caltech

When we think of life in the Universe, far beyond the limits of the Earth, we can not help but look at our own planet as a guide. The Earth has a number of characteristics that we believe are extremely important – perhaps even essential – for life to flourish and thrive. For generations, humans have dreamed of a life beyond the Earth, striving to find another world similar to ours, but with its own success story: our own Earth 2.0.

But the fact that life has succeeded here on Earth does not necessarily mean that life will probably succeed in earth-like worlds, but only that it will be possible. Likewise, the fact that life was not found on non-terrestrial worlds does not mean that it is not possible. In fact, it is quite possible that the most common life forms in the galaxy are very different from terrestrial life forms and occur more frequently in worlds different from ours. The only way to know is to watch, and this requires looking for signals of observation that could lead us to rethink our place in the universe.

Design of the exoplanet artist Kepler-186f, which may exhibit properties similar to Earth (or earlier, similar to a lifeless Earth). Although illustrations like this are imaginative, they are just speculations, and the incoming data will not provide a view similar to this one. Kepler 186f, like many known worlds resembling the Earth, does not revolve around a Sun-like star, but that does not necessarily mean that life on this world is at a disadvantage.

NASA Ames / SETI Institute / JPL-Caltech

We have the right mixture of light and heavy elements to create a rocky planet with a thin but substantial atmosphere and the basic ingredients for life. We orbit a star at the right distance for liquid water on our surface, our planet having both oceans and continents. Our sun has lived long enough (and not enough in mass) for life to evolve and become complex, differentiated and perhaps intelligent, but sufficiently high in mass so that the outbreaks are not so numerous as they do. to disappear our atmosphere. .

Our planet turns on itself, but it is not locked, so we have days and nights all year long. We have a big moon to stabilize our axial inclination. We have a big world (Jupiter) outside our jelly line to protect the inner planets from catastrophic strikes. When we think about it in this way, looking for a world similar to Earth's – a proverbial "Earth 2.0" – seems to be obvious.

The Kepler-452b (R) exoplanet, compared to Earth (L), is a possible candidate for Earth 2.0. Looking at earth-like worlds is a good starting point, but it may not be the most likely place to find life in the galaxy or in the Universe in general.

NASA / Ames / JPL-Caltech / T. Pyle

There are many reasons to believe that looking for a world as Earth-like as possible, around a star as similar to the Sun as possible, could be the best place to look for life elsewhere. in the Universe. We know that it is very likely that billions of solar systems have at least similar properties to the Earth and the Sun, thanks to the tremendous progress made in studies of exoplanets over the last three decades.

Since life has not only arisen, but has become complex, differentiated, intelligent and technologically advanced here on Earth, it makes sense to choose worlds similar to those of the Earth in our quest for a world inhabited in the galaxy. Certainly, if this happens here under the conditions we ourselves have, it must be possible for life to come back, elsewhere, under similar conditions.

The small exoplanets of Kepler known in the habitable zone of their star. Whether the worlds classified as Super-Earth are Earth or Neptune is an open question, but it may not even be important for a world to gravitate around or be in a Sun-like star. so-called habitable zone for life to have the potential to emerge.

NASA / Ames / JPL-Caltech

Virtually no one in exoplanet or astrobiological communities thinks looking for worlds similar to a proverbial "Earth 2.0" is a bad idea. But is it the smartest way to invest the overwhelming majority of our resources in researching and investigating worlds with similarities to our own planet, rich in lives? I had the opportunity to sit down and record a podcast with scientist Adrian Lenardic, who does not agree with this position at all.

If science has taught us anything, it is that we should not assume that we know the answer before making key experiments or making critical observations. Yes, we must look for evidence, but also in places where we might think that life is unlikely to develop, develop, or sustain itself. The Universe is full of surprises, and if we do not give ourselves the opportunity to let the Universe surprise us, we will draw biased and therefore fundamentally unscientific conclusions.

At the bottom of the sea, around the hydrothermal vents, where sunlight does not reach the surface of the sun, life continues to flourish on Earth. How to create life from non-life is one of the big open questions of today's science, but if life can exist here, maybe underwater on Europa or Enceladus, there is also life. It will be more and better data, most likely collected and analyzed by experts, who will ultimately determine the scientific answer to this mystery.

NOAA / PMEL ventilation program

Our preconceived ideas about the functioning of life were wrong before, because what we thought to be the necessary restrictions turned out to be circumvented not only abundantly, but perhaps easily and frequently.

For example, it was once thought that life required sunlight. But the discovery of life around the hydrothermal vents several kilometers below the surface of the ocean has taught us that even in the absolute absence of sunlight, life can find a way.

We once thought that life could not survive in an environment rich in arsenic, arsenic being a known poison of biological systems. Yet, not only recent discoveries have shown that life is possible in regions rich in arsenic, but that arsenic can even be used in biological processes.

And perhaps most surprisingly, we thought that the complex life could never survive in the hostile environment of space. But the tardigrade has proved the opposite, entering a state of animation suspended in the void of space and rehydrating successfully when it is sent back to Earth.

Scanning electron microscope image of a Milnesium tardigradum (Tardigrade, or "water bear") in its active state. The tardigrades were exposed to space vacuum for extended periods of time and returned to normal biological exploitation after being returned to environments containing liquid water.

Schokraie E, Warnken U, Hotz-Wagenblatt A, Grohme MA, Hengherr S, et al. (2012)

This should lead you to wonder what else could happen. Could there be life in the underground oceans of Moon Europe Jupiter, Saturn's Enceladus, Neptune's Triton or even Pluto, cold and distant? They are all orbiting large, massive worlds (Charon Pluto's accounts), which exert tidal forces on the inside of the planet, providing a source of heat and energy, even in a environment where no sunlight can penetrate.

On rocky worlds without sufficient atmosphere to hold liquid water, an underwater ocean is always possible. Mars, for example, could have abundant amounts of liquid groundwater below the surface, thus providing a possible environment for life. Even a totally uninhabitable environment like Venus could have life, because the region above the clouds, about sixty kilometers away, has temperatures and atmospheric pressure similar to those of the Earth.

NASA's hypothetical HAVOC mission (High Altitude Venus Operational Concept) could look for life in the cloud peaks of our nearest planetary neighbor. Despite the hostile conditions at the surface of Venus, the area above the clouds has a similar pH, temperature, and atmospheric pressure to the environment that we encounter on the surface of the Earth.

Of course, we could look at the most widespread star class in the universe – red dwarf stars (class M), which account for 75-80% of all stars – and find all kinds of reasons why life is unlikely to exist there. Here are a few:

  • Class M stars lock all Earth-sized (rocky) planets anywhere liquid water is able to form on very short time scales (~ 1 million years or less).
  • Class M stars blaze ubiquitously and easily remove an Earth-like atmosphere for short periods of time.
  • The X-rays emitted by these stars are too big and too numerous and would irradiate the planet enough to make life as we know it untenable.
  • And that the lack of high energy light (ultraviolet and yellow / green / blue / purple) would make photosynthesis impossible, thus preventing primitive life from being born.

All the inner planets of a system of red dwarfs will be locked, one side always facing the star and the other, still far away, with a ring of habitability similar to the Earth between the sides night and day. But even if these worlds are so different from ours, we must ask ourselves the biggest question: could any of them still be potentially habitable?

NASA / JPL-Caltech

If these are your reasons for disfavoring life around the most common star class in the Universe, where about 6% of these stars would have Earth-sized planets in what we call the habitable zone (to the right distance for a world with Earth-like conditions to have liquid water on its surface), you will need to reconsider your assumptions.

Tidal foreclosure may not be as severe as we thought, as magnetic fields and substantial atmospheres with high winds could still alter energy input. A planet (like Venus) that constantly generates new atmospheric particles could potentially survive solar wind streaking / eruption phenomena. The organisms can dive to deeper depths during x-rays, shielding themselves from radiation. And photosynthesis, like all life processes on Earth, relies solely on the use of 20 amino acids, but it is known that more than 60 additional acids occur naturally throughout the universe.

Amounts of amino acids not found in nature are found in the Murchison meteorite, which fell on Earth in Australia in the 20th century. The fact that there are more than 80 types of unique amino acids in a single ancient space could indicate that the ingredients of life, or even of life itself, would have formed differently elsewhere in the Universe, perhaps even on a planet a star parent at all.

Wikimedia Commons user Basilicofresco

Although we have every reason to believe that life can be ubiquitous – or at least have a chance "- on very similar worlds to the Earth, it is also very plausible that life is more abundant on worlds that do not resemble not us.

Perhaps the exomoons orbiting large planets (with significant tidal forces) are even more conducive to the original life than a world like Earth.

Liquid water on the planet itself may not be essential for life, because the type of cell wall or membrane that is appropriate can allow water to exist in an aqueous state.

Perhaps radioisotope disintegration, geothermal sources or even chemical sources of energy could provide life with the external source it needs; maybe rogue planets – without parental stars at all – could harbor extraterrestrial life.

When a planet passes in front of its parent star, some of the light is not only stuck, but if an atmosphere is present, filter it through, creating lines of absorption or emission that 39, a fairly sophisticated observatory could detect. If there are organic molecules or large amounts of molecular oxygen, we can find it too. It is important that we take into account not only the signatures of life we ​​know, but also those of a possible life that we do not find here on Earth.

ESA / David Sing

Even super-Earths, perhaps more numerous than earth-sized worlds, could potentially be habitable under the right circumstances. What is wonderful about this idea is that it is as easily testable as a Earth-like world around a Sun-like star. To examine a planet looking for clues of life, we can tackle this puzzle with many avenues for investigation. We can:

  • wait for a planetary transit and try to perform spectroscopy on absorbed light, by probing the contents of an exo-atmosphere,
  • we can try to solve the world itself with direct imagery, looking for seasonal variations and signs such as the periodic greening of the world,
  • or we can search for nuclear, neutrino or technical signatures that could indicate the presence of a planet manipulated by its inhabitants, whether intelligent or not.

The impression of this artist shows TRAPPIST-1 and its planets reflected in a surface. The water potential on each of the worlds is also represented by the frost, the puddles of water and the vapor that surrounds the scene. However, it is not known if any of these worlds still has an atmosphere or has been blown by its parent star. One thing is certain though: we will not know if they are inhabited or not if we do not examine their properties in depth.

NASA / R. Injured / T. Pyle

It may be that life is rare in the Universe, in which case we will need to look at many candidate planets – perhaps with great precision – to reveal a successful detection. But if we search exclusively for planets with properties similar to the Earth and limit ourselves to examining mother stars and solar systems that are similar to ours, we are condemned to obtain a biased representation of what exists.

You might think, in the quest for extraterrestrial life, that more, that is more, and that the best way to find life beyond Earth is to examine a larger number of candidate planets. which could be the 2.0 Earth we've been dreaming of for so long. . But planets not resembling the Earth could shelter a life that we had never envisioned and that we will not know unless we look at it. More is more, but "different" is also more. As scientists, we must be careful not to skew our results even before we have really begun to look.


Artistic representation of a potentially livable exoplanet revolving around a distant star. But we may not need to find a world like Earth to find life; very different planets around very different stars could surprise us in many ways. Whatever the case may be, more information is needed.

NASA Ames / JPL-Caltech

When we think of life in the Universe, far beyond the limits of the Earth, we can not help but look at our own planet as a guide. The Earth has a number of features that we believe are extremely important, if not essential, for life to flourish and thrive. For generations, humans have dreamed of a life beyond Earth, striving to find another world similar to ours, but with its own success story: our own Earth 2.0.

But the fact that life has succeeded here on Earth does not necessarily mean that life will probably succeed in earth-like worlds, but only that it will be possible. Likewise, the fact that life was not found on non-terrestrial worlds does not mean that it is not possible. In fact, it is quite possible that the most common life forms in the galaxy are very different from terrestrial life forms and occur more frequently in worlds different from ours. The only way to know is to watch, and this requires looking for signals of observation that could lead us to rethink our place in the universe.

Design of the exoplanet artist Kepler-186f, which may exhibit properties similar to Earth (or earlier, similar to a lifeless Earth). Although illustrations like this are imaginative, they are just speculations, and the incoming data will not provide a view similar to this one. Kepler 186f, like many known worlds resembling the Earth, does not revolve around a Sun-like star, but that does not necessarily mean that life on this world is at a disadvantage.

NASA Ames / SETI Institute / JPL-Caltech

We have the right mixture of light and heavy elements to create a rocky planet with a thin but substantial atmosphere and the basic ingredients for life. We orbit a star at the right distance for liquid water on our surface, our planet having both oceans and continents. Our sun has lived long enough (and not enough in mass) for life to evolve and become complex, differentiated and perhaps intelligent, but sufficiently high in mass so that the outbreaks are not so numerous as they do. to disappear our atmosphere. .

Our planet turns on itself, but it is not locked, so we have days and nights all year long. We have a big moon to stabilize our axial inclination. We have a big world (Jupiter) outside our jelly line to protect the inner planets from catastrophic strikes. When we think about it in this way, the search for a world similar to Earth's – a proverbial "Earth 2.0" – seems to be obvious.

The Kepler-452b (R) exoplanet, compared to Earth (L), is a possible candidate for Earth 2.0. Looking at earth-like worlds is a good starting point, but it may not be the most likely place to find life in the galaxy or in the Universe in general.

NASA / Ames / JPL-Caltech / T. Pyle

There are many reasons to believe that looking for a world as Earth-like as possible, around a star as similar to the Sun as possible, could be the best place to look for life elsewhere. in the Universe. We know that it is very likely that billions of solar systems have at least similar properties to the Earth and the Sun, thanks to the tremendous progress made in studies of exoplanets over the last three decades.

Since life has not only arisen, but has become complex, differentiated, intelligent and technologically advanced here on Earth, it makes sense to choose worlds similar to those of the Earth in our quest for a world inhabited in the galaxy. Certainly, if this happens here under the conditions we ourselves have, it must be possible for life to come back, elsewhere, under similar conditions.

The small exoplanets of Kepler known in the habitable zone of their star. Whether the worlds classified as Super-Earth are Earth or Neptune is an open question, but it may not even be important for a world to gravitate around or be in a Sun-like star. so-called habitable zone for life to have the potential to emerge.

NASA / Ames / JPL-Caltech

Virtually no one in exoplanet or astrobiological communities thinks looking for worlds similar to a proverbial "Earth 2.0" is a bad idea. But is it the smartest way to invest the overwhelming majority of our resources in researching and investigating worlds with similarities to our own planet, rich in lives? I've had the opportunity to sit down and record a podcast with scientist Adrian Lenardic, who does not agree with this position at all.

If science has taught us anything, it is that we should not assume that we know the answer before making key experiments or making critical observations. Yes, we must look for evidence, but also in places where we might think that life is unlikely to develop, develop, or sustain itself. The Universe is full of surprises and if we do not give ourselves the opportunity to let the Universe surprise us, we will draw biased conclusions – and therefore fundamentally unscientific.

At the bottom of the sea, around the hydrothermal vents, where sunlight does not reach the surface of the sun, life continues to flourish on Earth. How to create life from non-life is one of the big open questions of today's science, but if life can exist here, maybe underwater on Europa or Enceladus, there is also life. It will be more and better data, most likely collected and analyzed by experts, who will ultimately determine the scientific answer to this mystery.

NOAA / PMEL ventilation program

Our preconceived ideas about the functioning of life were wrong before, because what we thought to be the necessary restrictions turned out to be circumvented not only abundantly, but perhaps easily and frequently.

For example, it was once thought that life required sunlight. But the discovery of life around the hydrothermal vents several kilometers below the surface of the ocean has taught us that even in the absolute absence of sunlight, life can find a way.

We once thought that life could not survive in an environment rich in arsenic, arsenic being a known poison of biological systems. Yet, not only recent discoveries have shown that life is possible in regions rich in arsenic, but that arsenic can even be used in biological processes.

And perhaps most surprisingly, we thought that the complex life could never survive in the hostile environment of space. But the tardigrade has proved the opposite, entering a state of animation suspended in the void of space and rehydrating successfully when it is sent back to Earth.

Scanning electron microscope image of a Milnesium tardigradum (Tardigrade, or "water bear") in its active state. The tardigrades were exposed to space vacuum for extended periods of time and returned to normal biological exploitation after being returned to environments containing liquid water.

Schokraie E, Warnken U, Hotz-Wagenblatt A, Grohme MA, Hengherr S, et al. (2012)

This should lead you to wonder what else could happen. Could there be life in the underground oceans of Moon Europe Jupiter, Saturn's Enceladus, Neptune's Triton or even Pluto, cold and distant? They are all orbiting large, massive worlds (Charon Pluto's accounts), which exert tidal forces on the inside of the planet, providing a source of heat and energy, even in a environment where no sunlight can penetrate.

On rocky worlds without sufficient atmosphere to hold liquid water, an underwater ocean is always possible. Mars, for example, could have abundant amounts of liquid groundwater below the surface, thus providing a possible environment for life. Even a totally uninhabitable environment like Venus could have life, because the region above the clouds, about sixty kilometers away, has temperatures and atmospheric pressure similar to those of the Earth.

NASA's hypothetical HAVOC mission (High Altitude Venus Operational Concept) could look for life in the cloud peaks of our nearest planetary neighbor. Despite the hostile conditions at the surface of Venus, the area above the clouds has a similar pH, temperature, and atmospheric pressure to the environment that we encounter on the surface of the Earth.

Of course, we could look at the most widespread star class in the Universe – red dwarf stars (M-class), which account for 75-80% of all stars – and find all kinds of reasons why life is unlikely. to exist there. Here are a few:

  • Class M stars lock all Earth-sized (rocky) planets anywhere liquid water is able to form on very short time scales (~ 1 million years or less).
  • Class M stars blaze ubiquitously and easily remove an Earth-like atmosphere for short periods of time.
  • The X-rays emitted by these stars are too big and too numerous and would irradiate the planet enough to make life as we know it untenable.
  • And that the lack of high energy light (ultraviolet and yellow / green / blue / purple) would make photosynthesis impossible, thus preventing primitive life from being born.

All the inner planets of a system of red dwarfs will be locked, one side always facing the star and the other, still far away, with a ring of habitability similar to the Earth between the sides night and day. But even if these worlds are so different from ours, we must ask ourselves the biggest question: could any of them still be potentially habitable?

NASA / JPL-Caltech

If these are your reasons for disfavoring life around the most common star class in the Universe, where about 6% of these stars would have Earth-sized planets in what we call the habitable zone (to the right distance for a world with Earth-like conditions to have liquid water on its surface), you will need to reconsider your assumptions.

Tidal foreclosure may not be as severe as we thought, as magnetic fields and substantial atmospheres with high winds could still alter energy input. A planet (like Venus) that constantly generates new atmospheric particles could potentially survive solar wind streaking / eruption phenomena. The organisms can dive to deeper depths during x-rays, shielding themselves from radiation. And photosynthesis, like all life processes on Earth, relies solely on the use of 20 amino acids, but it is known that more than 60 additional acids occur naturally throughout the universe.

Amounts of amino acids not found in nature are found in the Murchison meteorite, which fell on Earth in Australia in the 20th century. Le fait qu’il existe plus de 80 types d’acides aminés uniques dans un simple espace ancien pourrait indiquer que les ingrédients de la vie, voire de la vie elle-même, se seraient formés différemment ailleurs dans l’Univers, peut-être même sur une planète une star parent du tout.

Utilisateur de Wikimedia Commons Basilicofresco

Bien que nous ayons toutes les raisons de croire que la vie peut être omniprésente – ou du moins avoir une chance – sur des mondes très similaires à la Terre, il est également très plausible que la vie soit plus abondante sur des mondes qui ne ressemblent pas au nôtre.

Peut-être que les exomoons en orbite autour de grandes planètes (avec d&#39;importantes forces de marée) sont encore plus propices à la vie originelle qu&#39;un monde comme la Terre.

L’eau liquide sur la planète elle-même n’est peut-être pas indispensable à la vie, car le type de paroi cellulaire ou de membrane approprié peut permettre à l’eau d’exister dans un état aqueux.

Peut-être que la désintégration radio-isotopique, les sources géothermiques ou même les sources d&#39;énergie chimiques pourraient assurer la vie avec la source externe dont elle a besoin; peut-être que des planètes voyous – sans étoiles parentales du tout – pourraient abriter une vie extraterrestre.

Lorsqu&#39;une planète passe devant son étoile mère, une partie de la lumière est non seulement bloquée, mais si une atmosphère est présente, la filtre à travers, créant des lignes d&#39;absorption ou d&#39;émission qu&#39;un observatoire assez sophistiqué pourrait détecter. S&#39;il y a des molécules organiques ou de grandes quantités d&#39;oxygène moléculaire, nous pourrons le trouver aussi. Il est important que nous prenions en compte non seulement les signatures de la vie que nous connaissons, mais également celles d&#39;une vie possible que nous ne trouvons pas ici sur Terre.

ESA / David Sing

Même les super-Terre, peut-être plus nombreuses que les mondes de la taille de la Terre, pourraient être potentiellement habitables dans de bonnes circonstances. Ce qui est merveilleux avec cette idée, c’est qu’elle est testable aussi facilement qu’un monde semblable à la Terre autour d’une étoile semblable au Soleil. Pour examiner une planète à la recherche d&#39;indices de la vie, nous pouvons aborder ce casse-tête avec de nombreuses pistes d&#39;enquête. Nous pouvons:

  • attendre un transit planétaire et essayer d&#39;effectuer une spectroscopie sur la lumière absorbée, en sondant le contenu d&#39;une exo-atmosphère,
  • nous pouvons essayer de résoudre le monde lui-même avec une imagerie directe, en recherchant des variations saisonnières et des signes tels que le verdissement périodique du monde,
  • ou bien nous pouvons rechercher des signatures nucléaires, neutrino ou techniques qui pourraient indiquer la présence d’une planète manipulée par ses habitants, qu’elle soit intelligente ou non.

L’impression de cet artiste montre TRAPPIST-1 et ses planètes reflétées dans une surface. Le potentiel en eau sur chacun des mondes est également représenté par le gel, les flaques d&#39;eau et la vapeur qui entoure la scène. Cependant, on ne sait pas si l&#39;un de ces mondes possède encore une atmosphère ou s&#39;il a été soufflé par son étoile mère. Une chose est sûre cependant: nous ne saurons pas si elles sont habitées ou non si nous n&#39;examinons pas leurs propriétés en profondeur.

NASA / R. Blessé / T. Pyle

Il se peut que la vie soit rare dans l’Univers, auquel cas nous aurons besoin de regarder beaucoup de planètes candidates – peut-être avec une très grande précision – pour révéler une détection réussie. Mais si nous recherchons exclusivement des planètes ayant des propriétés similaires à la Terre et que nous nous limitons à examiner les étoiles mères et les systèmes solaires qui sont similaires aux nôtres, nous sommes condamnés à obtenir une représentation biaisée de ce qui existe.

Vous pourriez penser, dans la recherche de la vie extraterrestre, que plus, c&#39;est plus, et que le meilleur moyen de trouver la vie au-delà de la Terre est d&#39;examiner un plus grand nombre de planètes candidates qui pourraient être la Terre 2.0 dont nous rêvons depuis si longtemps. . Mais des planètes ne ressemblant pas à la Terre pourraient abriter une vie que nous n&#39;avions jamais envisagée et que nous ne saurons pas à moins de regarder. Plus c&#39;est plus, mais "différent" c&#39;est aussi plus. En tant que scientifiques, nous devons faire attention à ne pas biaiser nos résultats avant même que nous ayons vraiment commencé à regarder.


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