Is America ready for a 100% female ticket? Kamala Harris wants to know.


"Yes, I would," she replied, adding that a 100% female ticket would be "fabulous".

Pressed by Mark Thompson of SiriusXM on whether the Americans, who still have not elected a woman president, are ready for such a thing, Harris has been more cautious: "We'll see if that gone happen."

And she is not the only female candidate to consider it. Senator Elizabeth Warren also told Thompson: "I would put a woman on my ticket, I would put a man on my ticket, what I want is someone who participates in the fight."

If "this" happens – and by "that", I mean Harris or Warren is the party's candidate – that, in itself, would have consequences. Prior to Hillary Clinton's victory in the primary fight in 2016, neither party had ever nominated a woman to the presidency. (Sarah Palin and Geraldine Ferraro were both named vice-presidents, although their tickets lost the election.)

Despite this story, most polls suggest that people are totally cool with a woman president. A 2015 Gallup poll showed that 92% of respondents said they would vote for a woman in the presidency. (Only 47% said they would vote for a socialist as president.)

However, there is reason to be skeptical about this number. Not because Gallup's numbers are suspicious – it's the gold standard of the poll, in fact – but because people do not always tell the truth to pollsters. Think about it: If a stranger called you on the phone and asked you to vote for a woman presidential candidate, it is highly likely that if you had doubts about it, you would not tell a pollster.

Women themselves are much more skeptical about whether the country is ready for a woman president. More than half – 56% – said it was unlikely that a woman would be elected during her lifetime, according to a Time-SSRS survey conducted in the fall of 2018. These figures vary according to the parties: a majority (53%) Women Democrats thought that a woman would win the White House in their lifetime while only 35% of Republican women would say the same thing.

For her part, Clinton cited sexism as one of the reasons she was beaten by Donald Trump in 2016.

"I started the campaign knowing that I had to work very hard so that women and men feel comfortable with the idea of ​​a woman in the presidency", Clinton said in early 2017 in an interview with CBS. "It does not fit with the stereotypes we all carry in our head, and a lot of sexism and misogyny was at the service of those attitudes, like, you know," we really do not want a woman commander-in-chief. "
She won the women's 13 points, while that of Trump was 11 points, according to polls in 2016. Women accounted for 53% of the electorate. (The figures do not match, do you say? Do not forget that Clinton won the popular vote with nearly 3 million votes.)
Two years after Clinton's defeat, female voters – and candidates – have been at the heart of the Democrats' successful campaign to regain a majority in the House in 2018. Still according to polls at the polls, women accounted for 52% of the electorate and had voted for Democratic candidates. on the Republicans by a whopping 19 points. (Men favored Republican candidates by only 4 points.) In the 2018 elections, 102 women were elected to the House (a record number) and 15 more were elected or appointed to the Senate. At the mid-term, the first Muslim American women, the first Native American women and the two youngest women were elected.
These historic gains have led to a record number of women presidential candidates in 2020: 6. Many people consider Harris, including the rankings that Harry Enten and I do each month, as one of the pioneers of the Democratic pole .

This means that there is a real possibility that Harris – or another of the candidates – will become the party's candidate. Then comes a crucial decision: are you ready to bet at least part of your chances of being president on the belief that American is ready for a 100% female ticket?


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