Is It Just Us, Or Snake Eyes: GI Joe: Origins Looks Pretty Sick


Snake Eyes: GI Joe: Origins

Snake Eyes: GI Joe: Origins

Look, there’s no shortage of awesome trailers for bad movies or, at the very least, deceptive trailers for great movies, like the one for Predators, who promised all those Predator reticles and broke their promises. But until we are told otherwise or see it for ourselves, Snake Eyes: GI Joe: Origins always looks a little sick.

Now hold your horses. We can already see the comments section flare up with anger at the thought of praising a movie that features the word “Originsin the subtitle. That headline is reason enough to pinch your nose, wave your hand in front of your face and say “Pee-you.” But here’s the thing, Snake-eyes Looks like it’s up to the action, and not just the brand of floating aircraft carriers and unconvincing clouds of dust and smoke that are all the rage these days. Snake-eyesThe trailer, meanwhile, features honest, melee, and sword-to-sword combat. In an action movie landscape where the stunts are mostly cartoons, it’s nice to see some real fight choreography. Plus, it looks like this movie brings a lot of ninjas to the party, which to quote Borat, is very beautiful.

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As for the plot, it seems usable. A brother, an honor, a secret society dedicated to world revolution, yadda yadda yadda. A choice has been made, a man has been betrayed, a hero will arise. We have all been around this block several times. These are tired clichés, but nobody goes so late in the game GI Joe prequel to the plot. Unless, of course, you’re one of those GI Joe heads that the producers of this film assume exist in the world. Indeed, they have to, but there can’t be so many if this movie comes nearly a decade later. GI Joe: Retaliation, a film that grossed nearly $ 400 million, which apparently wasn’t enough to spawn another sequel. Also, remember when Joseph Gordon-Levitt played Cobra Commander? It was wild.

There are many reasons to be concerned though, as if someone really cares about the quality of Snake Eyes: GI Joe: Origins. (Life is short. Please don’t be so concerned about Snake-eyes). Although very tall and charming in A simple favor, Henry Golding did not prove himself as an action star, with Guy Richie’s gentlemen being the only genre film to its name. Then again, his character’s name, “Snake Eyes,” sort of does the heavy lifting for him.

Will Snake Eyes: GI Joe: Origins actually winning all two points in his ridiculous title? We’ll know later this week when it’s released. In the meantime, here’s the final trailer, which has quotes saying the movie is good.

Snake-eyes slips into theaters this Friday, July 23, 2021.


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