Is Kirsten Dunst married? She reveals if Jesse Plemons and her movie star "Breaking Bad" are hitched


Kirsten Dunst dispels some confusion about her relationship status. the Become a god in Central Florida star was a guest Jimmy Kimmel Live! On September 5, while she was there, Kimmel called Jesse Plemons a husband before quickly correcting herself and saying "fiance."

"Fiance," Dunst replied to Kimmel. "We are not married yet."

Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemoms have been together since 2015

Kirsten Dunst on Jimmy Kimmel Live
Kirsten Dunst on Jimmy Kimmel Live! | Randy Holmes via Getty Images

Dunst, 37, met Plemons, 31, on the set of FX Fargo The two men played husband and wife on this show, but they did not meet for a year after the end of her relationship with Garret Hedlund. Shortly after, the old co-stars were spotted kissing. However, Plenmons and Dunst did not confirm that this was an immediate element.

"I have to keep things a little secret," said actress Jimmy Fallon during an appearance on Tonight's show. "We met a year later [meeting.] We first became very good friends.

She recently talked about her relationship with Plemons in an interview with Porter magazine.

"He's my favorite actor – the best I've ever worked," Dunst said. "I just knew that it would be in my life forever. I did not know what capacity it would have been at the time. When the show was over, I missed it terribly. We did not meet until a year later. We were both smart enough to ask if the connection was just because we were working together. But it was real. "

They are engaged since 2017

Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons
Jesse Plemons and Kirsten Dunst | Albert L. Ortega / Getty Images

Things got worse between Plemons and Dunst at the end of 2017, when he proposed his candidacy. But their wedding plans have been suspended since Dunst was pregnant. She gave birth to the couple's first child, a boy named Ennis, in May 2018.

Although Dunst's mother apparently put pressure on the couple to attach, the Melancholy The actress says that they are in no hurry to make things official.

[W]They are about as married as possible, she told Porter. "We have a child together. My mother said to me, "But when are you going to get married?" And I told them, "Mom, I'm not going to get married when I'm pregnant, I want to have fun and have a drink, I mean, we're paying for this wedding, I'm paying for the bar! benefit.

Returning to work as a mother for the first time was difficult for Dunst

Dunst took some time after the birth of her baby, but five months after Ennis was born, she was back in front of the camera. And like many new mothers, she found it difficult to return to work.

"I thought," I absolutely can not do a TV show, "she told Glamor," How can I do anything other than being a mother? "I thought," I do not do not know if I can do it any longer. "

But when the opportunity to play in Become a god in Central Florida landed on her lap, she knew she could not say no. She said that she had turned to her family and friends to help her manage her return to work.

"You manage it and people come in to help you," she said. "It's so important to ask for this help."


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