Is Meghan Markle smarter than her critics think?


Meghan Markle has been the target of some of the most severe criticisms of the Internet. A hate of haters constantly questions everything she does with her own family and slaughters her. Although the royal missteps associated with unmerited bullying are the bulk of his criticism, not all his critics question.

Even the debates on his intelligence and the thought that accompanies his movements are subject to discussion.

What do the critics say about Meghan Markle?

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

Literally everything and no matter what! The Duchess of Sussex is walking with a target on her back since she came out of the Hollywood starlet in British Royalista. If she thought the heat was catching her head Suit was terrible, she was really in a surprise when her prince charming jumped the big question.

Even before Prince Harry puts a ring on Markle's finger, she has a lot of fuss. Even though the choice of Prince Harry's life partner was disappointing, it was his own family who really put the old Suit stars through the wringer. Her half-sister, Samantha Markle, wanted to minimize her, especially if she had a media appearance.

Other opposing views range from her previous marriage (and divorce) reflecting negatively on her ability to maintain her, her commoner status, the age difference between her and the prince and her lack of British descent. Gossipier's comments included including calling it a "brazen naughty" and a "gold digger".

Honestly, the sky is the limit with regard to the negative publicity received by the controversial Duchess. It's so bad that the Kensington Palace had to make an extra effort to contain vitriol sprinkled online!

Markle is a strong and independent woman

If you did not already think that Markle had the qualities of a strong and intelligent woman, the royal expert Bonnie Greer is ready to change her mind. Recently, she praised Markle as being smart for talking about everything she had to say. Now that she is in the vanguard, she has the ability to shape the story around her and her blossoming family.

By and large, Markle almost totally controls Baby Sussex's story. It will be the one that indicates the crowd at birth. She will choose how to do it to have the child.

She and her husband, Prince Harry, made the unique decision to keep the details of the future Sussex secret until they take the time to party with each other. Despite the pressures of the royalists and the story revealed by baby in the British royal family, the duchess is taking charge of family affairs.

She even managed to impress the queen!

Of course, Markle has tons of enemies, but she also has the support of many fans around the world. While some consider her actions as those of a gold researcher, others appreciate her perseverance and her magnificent story. They can see Markle for the hard workers she's really, and apparently, Her Majesty too!

In fact, the Duchess of Sussex's work ethic is so impressive that she risks receiving one of the rare thanks of Queen Elizabeth II. Earlier this year, the Queen granted her several protections, some of which the Queen has defended for years. Markle's took on this extra responsibility with grace and balance.

She also continued to work throughout her work, which her mother-in-law could not forget! Few royal ladies would get their hands dirty in the third quarter, especially if it was their first pregnancy! Let us hope that the existence of Markle in the good graces of the Queen will result in her enemies giving her the rest she deserves.


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