Is Nia Jax’s hole correct?


These are words that will forever resonate in the halls of wrestling history. “Aaaaahhhhhh! Oh, my ass! Aaaaahhh! My hole!” That’s what Nia Jax had to say last night after taking a bump on the ring apron during a table match with Lana, and it instantly turned the WWE star into a scapegoat for the wrath of the fans faced with his booking and the frequent target of complaints about him. skills to a beloved internet meme generator, and honestly the world is doing better.

Nia Jax injures her hole on WWE Raw, creating an instantly viral moment.
Nia Jax injures her hole on WWE Raw, creating an instantly viral moment.

The pivotal moment occurs around 2:10 in the video below. Nia drops her leg onto the apron, but Lana pulls out of the way, causing Nia’s now famous asshole to collide with the harder part of the ring. Jax’s resulting temper tantrum was instantly legendary.

And the WWE Universe reacted to the moment, sending Jax’s hole on Twitter. Even WWE Hall of Fame member Mick Foley stepped in at the time.

This t-shirt has yet to be released, but the fact that WWE is continuing the video is a positive sign that the company may choose to kiss Nia’s hole. And why not? It’s rare for a moment to be embraced so organically by fans, and it’s in WWE’s best interests to capitalize on it.

Is Nia Jax's hole correct?
WWE Star Nia Jax’s Hole Trends On Twitter After Monday Night Raw

In two decades, will Nia Jax be screaming “Ooooh! My hole!” be one of those endless moments played out in video montages promoting the future version of the WWE Network? Will Nia’s Hole Get Its Own Network Documentary? Is it possible to introduce an anus into the WWE Hall-of-Fame? These are questions only the passing of time can answer, but for now we’ll have to settle for a more immediate question: is your hole okay, Nia? We hope this is the case.

About Jude Terror

A prophecy once said that in the darkest days of the comic book industry, a hero would come and guide the people through a plague of overpriced floppy disks, incentive variant covers, number reboots. 1 and super-mega-crossover events.

Unfortunately, this prophecy was false. Oh, Jude Terror was right. For ten years. Of all. But no one listened. And so, Jude Terror moved on to a bigger mission: turning Bleeding Cool into a professional wrestling dirt sheet!

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