Is Prince Harry more responsible for Royal Feud than Prince William?


Royal fans can not get enough of the rumors about a quarrel between the Cambridges and the Sussex. At first, many thought that there was no truth in the rumors. But now it has been so long – and there is so much evidence – that we can not really deny that the claims are true.

Prince Harry would blame Prince William for not accepting his new wife, Meghan Markle. However, there can be more than that. New evidence suggests that Prince Harry could play a bigger role in launching the quarrel than previously thought.

Prince Harry wanted the life that Prince William had with Kate Middleton

Prince Harry
Prince Harry | Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Although Prince Harry seemed happy to live his single life, he might have wanted to settle for a long time. According to the royal biographer Katie Nicholl, author of Prince Harry: life, loss and love, while Prince Harry was going out with Cressida Bonas, he was constantly talking about marriage and children. But Bonas could not bear the attention of loving a king and interrupting things.

The break devastated Prince Harry. He felt alone and "rudderless". Nicholl says that a friend of Prince Harry told him that he felt lost and alone.

A friend whose name was not revealed would have said, "He would have said," William got so boring, "while he was living the life Harry thought he wanted for himself. He was afraid to stay on the shelf and he said that he hated being alone, especially on Sunday nights.

Prince Harry may have even been jealous when his brother married Middleton. They lived the life that Prince Harry had always wanted.

"He [Harry] their friendship failed, "said Nicholls," and at times, he was very, very bitter about it. "

He tried to blame Middleton for taking Prince William, but the truth seems to be that Prince Harry just wanted someone to settle with himself.

Prince Harry may have taken the warning of Prince William himself personally

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Today, Archie, son of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, was baptized in the private chapel of Windsor Castle. The Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the baptism. Photograph 1 was taken in the Green Drawing Room at Windsor Castle. Seated (G – D): Duchess of Cornwall, Duke of Sussex, Archie Harrison Mountbatten – Windsor, Duchess of Sussex, Duchess of Cambridge Standing (G – D): Prince of Wales, Mrs. Doria Ragland, Lady Jane Fellowes, Lady Sarah McCorquodale, Duke of Cambridge This second photo of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Archie was taken to the Rose Garden of Windsor Castle. Chris Allerton / © ️SussexRoyal

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When Markle arrived, Prince Harry felt that he finally had the opportunity to live the life he dreamed of. But Prince William was worried that the relationship was changing too quickly, and he informed Prince Harry. According to Nicholl, Prince William told Prince Harry, "It seems fast, are you sure?"

Although this seems to be the concern of a senior brother, because of Prince Harry's insecurities, he may have offended where none should have been. Unfortunately, many believe it was the beginning of the quarrel between royal couples.

After this event, Prince Harry seemed to lose confidence in Prince William. After his marriage to Markle, Prince Harry and his new wife shocked the country by separating the royal home. They moved their home and office out of Kensington Palace, where Prince William and Duchess Kate are based, and to Frogmore Cottage.

Is Prince Harry responsible for the royal quarrel?

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Yesterday, the Duke of Sussex went to #Sheffield to open a new wing at the @sheffieldchildrens Hospital, and see how academics and students use applied learning in teaching and research @ Sheffhallamuni and encourage inspiring athletes to test Invictus in the UK. The Duke met with patients and their families during a visit to the newly opened 72-bed wing of the Sheffield Children's Hospital. The wing includes four new services, therapy rooms, a dining room for patients, a relaxation room for parents, a break room for teenagers and a game tower. The next step was the Sheffield Hallam University, where the Duke has learned about academics and student engagement to use applied learning to meet society's challenges, through a virtual reality rehab project that uses technology to help amputees to learn how to use prostheses. developing new and innovative technologies to provide alerts and assistance to field staff working in inhospitable and dangerous parts of the world. Finally, the Duke visited Invictus UK Trials, where he watched the wheelchair basketball, powerlifting and swimming competitors before meeting their friends and family. The trials are part of the UK team's selection process at the upcoming #invictusgames The Hague 2020, which will bring together more than 350 injured, injured and sick military and military personnel from nine sports. Press Association

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If Nicholl is right to presume Prince Harry's feelings, his overreaction may be to blame for the royal quarrel, much more than Prince William's statement. After all, Prince William was only trying to take care of his younger brother. Anyone who watched the situation would have feared that Prince Harry would be hurt or used for his position.

So far everything seems to be going well between Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, so Prince William's concern may not be in vain. But you can not really blame him for being worried at the time. Unfortunately, he probably did not know that Prince Harry would react as he did, otherwise, he would probably have kept his mouth shut.

Now what is said is said, and the brethren can not repeat their words. Hopefully, they will eventually be able to resolve their disagreements and hurt their feelings. Not only for the safety of the crown, but also for their relationship as brothers.


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