Is the GTA 5 re-release Rockstar’s best decision for the next generation of consoles?


Forums, subreddits, and message boards all over the internet have been torched by a wave of criticism over Rockstar Games’ decision to GTA 5. Even the YouTube comment section on any GTA-related video is filled with fan displeasure at the decision. .

This all stems from the announcement that kicked off the recent PS5 Reveal event. Rockstar announced the release of a GTA game for next-gen consoles, but fans weren’t too happy when they learned which game they would be receiving.

Indeed, the game they were to receive was not a sequel to GTA 5 but an “extended and improved” version of the game. Fans did not like this announcement too much, and there was a lot of talk about the “milking” “from Rockstar from GTA 5 as well as its online counterpart.

Here we take a look at whether it’s the right decision for Rockstar to upgrade to the next generation of consoles.

Did Rockstar make the right call to release GTA 5 on next gen consoles ahead of a sequel?

To put it in perspective, while it’s true that three years have passed since a GTA game released, Rockstar has released another huge project since then: Red Dead Redemption II in 2018.

Therefore, three years is simply not enough for Rockstar to complete development of future content for both Red Dead and GTA Online while also completing a sequel as large as GTA 6.

Rockstar crunch issues

Rockstar had issues with the media and the fan base when their toxic work culture during the development of Red Dead Redemption II was made public. The problems were related to the “crunch”, which talks about the industry working excruciatingly long overtime without proper compensation.

Therefore, Rockstar will seek to have an extended development period in order to alleviate issues related to the crisis.

Benefits for the release of GTA 5 and Online on PS5 / Xbox Series X:

# 1 familiarize yourself with next-gen console development kits

Re-releasing a massive game like GTA 5 allows Rockstar to get familiar with next-gen dev kits so that they don’t have huge issues with releasing a main sequel.

The PS3 SDK was infamously hard to work with, which led many developers to delay their projects multiple times, while the console also suffered from a lack of quality launch titles.

While that doesn’t seem like the issue for the PS5, Rockstar wouldn’t want to tarnish its reputation with a buggy release for an entry into their flagship franchise.

# 2 continued GTA Online support on next-gen consoles

While fans remain cautiously optimistic for a story mode expansion, hopes are extremely high for Rockstar to make massive changes to GTA Online.

Since a large portion of the fan base still enjoys GTA Online on a daily basis, this will be one of the best ways for Rockstar to reward players for their continued support of the game.

So this is a positive sign that Rockstar will continue to release content for a game that is almost 7 years old.

The inconvenients

# 1 Raise the stakes

Now that fans know about the re-release of a massively popular title, their expectations for new content are doomed to be sky-high.

Raising the stakes has never been a problem for Rockstar, but they’ve never faced such an intense backlash from their fans before.

For the first time in Rockstar history, their own fanbase appears to be angry with their decision. This makes the re-release of GTA 5 all the more important for the publisher.

Rockstar really needs to deliver with the reissue in order to win back the disgruntled fans and get the ball rolling for GTA 6.

Posted on Nov 11, 2020, 4:52 PM IST


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