Is the Pixel 5 worth buying in 2021?


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2021 has barely started, but the first major smartphone release is just around the corner. Samsung is eager to launch its Galaxy S21 and released its Unpacked event a month earlier than usual. Even so, the operator queues will be filled with 2020 smartphones for a while and one of them is Google. Pixel 5.If ​​you’re not a Samsung fan, the first alternative you see on the Android side of the market is often a Pixel device. But in terms of sales, Google is way behind Samsung, so many users don’t have first-hand experience with its smartphones and may be wondering if it’s worth giving Pixels a chance. Reviewing the Pixel 5, I decided to spend some quality time with it over the holidays to see if it still has a place in the market or if the wave of new phones will sweep it into oblivion.

So let’s go!

Why buy the Pixel 5 for

Size and feel

The first impression you’ll get from the Pixel 5 as soon as you put it in your hands is how small and light it is. Compared to the tall, heavy glass sandwiches that phone makers have been making for the past few years, the The Pixel 5 looks like a whole different device. And in a good way. It has an aluminum body but the coating removes the feel of cold metal against your hands and adds grip, which some of you will surely appreciate.

The Pixel 5 looks like a device designed to serve you, not pamper you with cases and screen protectors. And while you shouldn’t treat it like a rugged phone, that feeling gives a sense of freedom and peace of mind that I really appreciated.

In addition, the compact size has real advantages. Being able to reach corners of the screen easily and easily putting it on and taking it out of your pocket are just a few of them. While Apple introduced the iPhone 12 mini last year, most Android makers have almost forgotten about small form factor phones. It’s a feature that, if it’s important to you, you can’t replace it with something else.

The camera

Yes, I know, the Pixel 5’s camera hardware is getting old and the phone regularly loses battles against iPhones and Galaxies in our camera comparisons. But when you don’t have more high-end phone photos to compare to the one you just took with your Pixel, it quickly becomes pointless.

Because the Pixel 5 photos are awesome. And I mean simple shots that you take in your everyday life, not amazing scenes that you specifically sought out. I would take a photo a lot and I was like “Wow, that was done by a phone”. There is something about color that makes photos lively and pleasing to the eye.

Sure, the Pixel 5 can’t zoom in on that clock tower or that distant bridge, but for most people, that’s exactly what they’re looking for in a smartphone camera.

Software without bloat

While you can always find a way to manage third-party apps on your phone, uninstalling them if possible and hiding them in a folder when they’re not, I like knowing I’m using whatever is. that came with my phone. In this regard, the Pixel 5’s software was just right for my taste.

Battery life

Despite the small size, the Pixel 5’s battery life is excellent. Not having to power a giant screen, the 4,080mAh battery kept the Pixel alive for almost two days. And it was with more intense use than usual, at least for me, as I didn’t spend so much time in front of computers on vacation.

What could keep you from buying the Pixel 5

The software (yes, again)

While I appreciate the lack of bloatware on the Pixel 5, what I don’t feel so good about are the bugs and glitches in the software that Google is putting on its own phones. And if that’s a little excusable for OEMs who have to adapt their software to the base Android, it’s not for Google. The Pixel 5 should be the pinnacle of the Android experience, but it certainly doesn’t want it and it’s been months since the phone’s release. I find that quite disappointing.

The performance

I agree that most modern flagships deliver more performance than what users need or actually will use, but while that is true today, in a few years from now that extra horsepower will come in handy. The point is, for the Pixel 5, there isn’t a lot of extra power, if any, to speak of. The phone is not slow and far from frustrating to use, there is an obvious lack of liveliness which is characteristic of high end phones. And that will only go down in the future. If you are the type of user who likes to try out apps and new games all the time, this phone is not for you.

The “fast” charge

I have a feeling that at some point the definition of fast charging should be changed. I might be spoiled by the tech I used, but when I plug the Pixel 5 in at around 20% battery power and see that it will take almost an hour and a half to fully charge it doesn’t seem fast to me. Other phones can now charge at half that time. And sure, we can talk about battery health etc, but when you talk about fast charging faster is better, end of story.


Much depends on taste, of course, but what is certain is that you don’t impress anyone with the Pixel 5. While I love it, I can see it being too simple for some people, or just plain not high-end enough. And while it’s not a $ 1,000 phone, it’s still not cheap. The back panel may be good for comfortable handling of the phone, but the texture collects smudges and smudges that are not removed by a quick wipe with a cloth like on glossy glass-back phones.

I would also sacrifice a few milliseconds when unlocking the phone for a more comfortable sub-screen location of the fingerprint reader. But that, again, is a matter of personal preference. However, not having even a simple face unlock available is a major downside to my book.

The price

Despite its good qualities, the Pixel 5 is overpriced. This might not have been the case if the The Pixel 4a 5G didn’t exist, but as it is now, the extra features offered by the Pixel 5 aren’t really worth the top price, unless you really want wireless charging or a smaller size.

Fortunately, deals on Pixel phones aren’t hard to come by, so if you have the option of picking it up with a price tag of $ 100 or more, go for it.


Obviously, there is no single answer to the question, it depends on what you think of each of its strengths and weaknesses. But I will say if you are a tech freak this phone is not for you. It’s for people who don’t care much about brands, specs, or fancy features. They just want a phone to browse social media, take great photos of their pets, kids, and trips, and share them with pride. And for that, it’s a great phone. The flashy new flagships coming out in the weeks and months to come won’t really affect what the Pixel 5 owner thinks about their phone, they’ll always love it. Because they don’t care what else is there.


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