Is this panic for Kamala Harris?


The poll showed that the Democratic Party of California went from 17% (and second place) in a CNN poll in June to 5% (and tied for fourth place).

Which is not good! And the poll numbers add to the fact that Harris has now been criticized by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont for her ongoing struggle to clarify her position on "Medicare for All".

But before his followers panic, they should take a deep breath and take a step back. Here's why.

CNN's June poll was on June 28-30. It was difficult in the aftermath of the second night of the first democratic debate – a debate in which Harris was in the limelight, directly hitting former Vice President Joe Biden in attacking his track record in school transportation.

While the ballot was underway, Harris was all over the news – drawing praise for his performance. It is therefore logical that the survey showed it to the second place. It was a bubble. And a totally waited.

We saw this in the race before. The Mayor of Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, went from an asterisk at the beginning of the year to a low figure in some polls in the spring, amid a host of positive attentions from the press and strong public appearances. But after the spotlight, Buttigieg's numbers came back to the ground.

That's exactly what is happening to Harris right now. The CNN poll captured it at its absolute peak. There is no way – unless there is a multi-million dollar ad nationally bought by Harris – to reach that level. And it would not make much sense to do this in the strategic perspective of his campaign, because they will need all this money (and more) to spend on commercials in Iowa, New Hampshire and beyond. You do not need to peak in August 2019. You must have a peak in February / March 2020.

PointHarris is doing well. She is not the leader. But she is in the lead pack – and that's exactly where she wants and should be.


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