Is this the reality? Deadly Premonition 2 is on the way


Coming soon on Nintendo Switch in 2020

Of all the things I would have never hoped to see appear in a Nintendo Direct, a sequel to the favorite cult game of Horror Mystery Deadly premonition is at the top. This is really happening. Let's take our breath.

The story is a journey between the past and the present with our old friend Francis York Morgan and FBI agent Aaliyah Davis, who will reopen a case that brings players back to New Orleans 14 years ago.

Deadly Premonition 2: A blessing in disguise is planned for 2020 from Toybox, and at the same time, a port of the original game, The mortal origins of premonition, launches the eShop Switch later in the day. Aksys Games is also preparing a collector's physical edition of origin for North America in November 2019.

The question that worries everyone: Is Swery coming back for Life premonition 2? Yes! He works on the following as a "director / screenwriter". Prepare a YouTube video "Life is beautiful" 10 hours to celebrate.

"A miracle has happened," Swery said in a press release. "I work hard day and night, while reminding myself of the past to make it become something that will not change, no matter how much time passes, while adapting and narrowing it into the current era – a game that encompasses all Get yourself a cup of coffee and wait until it is completed!

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