Israel Reports COVID Vaccine Efficacy Against Infection of Up to 40%; data could be skewed – Israel News


The Department of Health said on Thursday that the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine in preventing infections and mild symptoms had fallen to 40%, according to data collected over the past month as the delta variant seized. spread in Israel.

Notably, the data could be skewed because a significant portion of coronavirus testing in Israel has been done in hot spots and among the elderly, while a small number of tests have been performed among the young and vaccinated population. A medical expert who consults with the health ministry said the data is still too skewed to allow a reliable assessment of the vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing infections and mild symptoms.

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The vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing hospitalizations and severe symptoms is 88 percent and 91 percent, respectively, the ministry said.

In a televised address, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett meanwhile called on Israelis who have not been vaccinated to do so as soon as possible.

“The Israeli government is investing billions to have a vaccine available in every part of the country, and there are still a million Israelis who simply refuse to be vaccinated,” he said. “The refusal of vaccines endangers their health, their environment and all Israeli citizens. If a million Israelis continue to go unvaccinated, it will force the rest to lock themselves in their homes. ”

Earlier Thursday, the country’s coronavirus cabinet approved the reinstatement of restrictions, which, pending government approval, will take effect next Thursday. Events with more than 100 attendees – both indoors and outdoors – will only be allowed to include people who have been vaccinated, have recovered or have a negative test result, if they have. 12 years or older.

People will also be required to present a vaccination certificate at cultural or sporting events, gymnasiums, restaurants, conferences, tourist attractions and places of worship. In addition, from August 8, unvaccinated people will have to pay for their own tests for the coronavirus, except for those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. People attending weddings and parties will need to show proof of immunity, even if they are under 12 years old.

Two weeks ago, the health ministry said its updated figures showed the vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing symptomatic illnesses had fallen to 64% and in preventing serious illnesses by 93%.

A study published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that two doses of Pfizer were 88% effective in preventing symptomatic delta variant disease, compared to 93.7% against the alpha variant, roughly the same. than previously.

This week, Israel began administering a third dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to adults with weakened immune systems. There are no plans to give booster shots to the general population, after experts said they didn’t think it was necessary.


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