118,985 shares of Vishay Precision Group Inc. (VPG) purchased by Boston Advisors LLC


  Vishay Precision Group Logo "title =" Vishay Precision Group logo "clbad =" companylogo "/> Boston Advisors LLC purchased a new equity interest in the shares of Vishay Precision Group Inc. (NYSE: VPG) in the second quarter, according to the The company purchased 118,985 shares in the company's scientific and technical instruments, valued at approximately $ 4,539,000, while Boston Advisors LLC held approximately 0.88% of the Vishay Precision Group. from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) </p>
<p>  Several other AIFs and other institutional investors have also made changes to their positions in the company. "Bank of Montreal Can has bought a new equity position in Vishay Precision Group during Campbell & CO Investment Adviser LLC purchased a new equity position of Vishay Precision Group in the second quarter of approximately $ 203,000 EAM Global I nvestors LLC purchased a new equity position of Vishay Precision Group during the first quarter, valued at approximately $ 1,229,000. Allianz Asset Management GmbH purchased a new equity position of Vishay Precision Group in the first quarter, valued at approximately $ 298,000. Finally, Sensato Investors LLC increased its stake in the Vishay Precision Group shares by 24.7% in the first quarter. Sensato Investors LLC now holds 57,221 scientific and technical instrument company shares worth $ 1,782,000 following the purchase of 11,329 additional shares in the last quarter. 80.77% of the shares are held by institutional investors and hedge funds. </p>
<p>  Separately, ValuEngine raised Vishay Precision Group shares from a "buy" rating to a "strong-buy" rating in a research note on Thursday, June 7th. </p>
<p>NYSE VPG shares opened at $ 40.45 on Friday. Vishay Precision Group Inc. has a low of fifty-two weeks of $ 16.55 and a high of fifty-two weeks of $ 41.60. The company has a market capitalization of $ 521.30 million, a price / earnings ratio of 35.48, a price / earnings ratio of 1.17 and a beta of 0.97. The company has a quick ratio of 2.65, a ratio of 3.82 and a debt ratio of 0.14.</p>
<p> Vishay Precision Group (NYSE: VPG) announced its financial results on Tuesday, May 8. The company's scientific and technical instruments reported earnings per share of $ 0.37 for the quarter, exceeding by $ 0.34 Zacks' consensus estimate of $ 0.33. The company achieved a turnover of $ 73.10 million during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $ 66.69 million. Vishay Precision Group has a net margin of 6.48% and a return on equity of 9.27%. Company revenues for the quarter rose 22.2% from one year to the next. In the same quarter last year, the company earned $ 0.19 earnings per share. Sell-side badysts anticipate that Vishay Precision Group Inc. will post 1.66 EPS for the current year. </p>
<p>  In addition, Chief Financial Officer William M. Clancy sold 10,000 shares of the company in connection with a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, May 23. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 35.45, for a total transaction of $ 354,500.00. As a result of the sale, the CFO now holds 29,575 shares of the Company, valued at $ 1,048,433.75. The sale has been disclosed in a legal deposit with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available via this hyperlink. In addition, director Janet M. Clarke sold 820 shares of the company in a transaction on Friday, June 1. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 36.85, for a total transaction of $ 30,217.00. As a result of the sale, the director now holds directly 7,255 shares of the company, valued at approximately $ 267,346.75. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Insiders sold 48,712 shares valued at $ 1,735,425 in the last three months. 6.49% of the stock belongs to insiders. </p>
<p>  <strong> Vishay Precision Group Company Profile </strong> </p>
<p>  Vishay Precision Group, Inc. designs, manufactures and markets sensors, sensors, specialty resistors and strain gages in Asia, in the United States and Israel. , Europe, United Kingdom and Canada. It operates through three segments: Foil Technology Products, Force Sensors, and Weighing and Control Systems </p>
<p>  History: Earnings per Share <br /><!--ViewCount:ArticleHistoryID=21646100&PostDate=2018-7-21&type=f&id=3726784--></p>
<p style=  Institutional Property Per Quarter for Vishay Precision Group (NYSE: VPG) "title =" Institutional Property by Quarter for Vishay Precision Group (NYSE: VPG) "/> </p>
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