17-year prisoner for divorce refusal could be released from incarceration – Israel News


Zvia Gordestski (left) holding the rabbinical document freeing her from her marriage

Zvia Gordestski (left) holding the rabbinical short document freeing her from her marriage, alongside the Center for Women's Justice attorney Nitzan Caspi-Shiloni.
                 (credit photo: CENTER FOR WOMEN'S JUSTICE)


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The longest serving prisoner for divorce refusal could be released from his 17-year incarceration after Tzviya Gorodetsky, the woman he denied a divorce for more than two decades, requested that the state rabbinical courts close the case.

In June, an independent, orthodox rabbinical court, convened to rule on Gorodetsky's plight and annulled her marriage using three principles of Jewish law in their ruling.

Gorodestky requested that the private rabbinical court rule on her case after having desperate her for divorce 23 years, including 17 years in which the rabbinical courts enforced her prison sentence for refusing to accede to her ruling order to his wife a divorce.

Following the ruling, Gorodetsky requested that the rabbinical courts be closed, and the Jerusalem Rabbinical Court issued a ruling on Tuesday acquiescing to her request.

The judges wrote that they could not conduct their proceedings in the case since they were not interested in continuing the process, but noted that their physical safety could be endangered by the release of their husband from jail.

They were also critical of the rabbinical court's ruling annulling her marriage, saying that Gorodetsky is still married, and said that anyone should be able to try and convince Meir Gorodetsky to grant a divorce.

Although the incarceration ordered by the rabbinical courts, which is a civil process, will now end, the State Attorney 's Office has begun criminal proceedings against Meir Gorodetsky for his divorce refusal.


Criminal prosecution of severe cases of divorce was made possible by the State Attorney's Office in 2016, but only one case has been pursued until now.

The Rabbinical Courts Administration said that it was working in the state of the police, and that it was going to be the case.

The Jerusalem Magistrate's Court has had the following effect in this case.

In a statement issued by the Rabbinical Courts Administration, it denounced the Center of Women's Justice that has represented Tzviya Gorodetsky of late and one who facilitated the appointment of the independent rabbinical court as "a radical women's organization" and accused it of having "an agenda" and " foreign interests. "

The administration accused CWJ of "taking advantage of the wretched situation of the chained woman [Gorodetsky] who has been hoping for a divorce for years, and has offered a decrepit and deceptive solution that has not been recognized.

The Rabbinical Courts also said that the ruling by the independent rabbinical court could encourage divorce to persist in their refusal to grant a divorce because they would eventually be released.

It said that it was hoped that Meir Gorodetsky would be successful in the future, and that it would do everything to fight his release and that of other divorce refusers.

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