21 religious leaders for the 21st century – # Interfaith21


Young Christians, Muslims and Jews at the forefront of interdenominational cooperation in the United Kingdom are now honored by a unique collaboration between the media of the three religions.

British Muslim television, Time of the church and Jewish News, in collaboration with Coexist House, have joined forces for Project 21 for 21 to identify inspiring people under the age of 40 who dialogue and remove barriers – including as volunteers, but also in their professional lives.

After receiving about 100 nominations, our expert panel of judges representing the different components of each of the Abrahamic denominations selected our list of 21, seven from each denomination, which we publish today in all three media, alongside a group of highly recommended candidates. . They include a hip hop artist, a radio host, a community café owner and a Muslim Hebrew teacher.

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It is believed to be the first time that media of different denominations have cooperated in this way, all over the world. James Brokenshire, Community Secretary, said, "In this time of concern about anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, this initiative between media of different faiths is more important than ever. Despite the challenges, we can be proud of the breadth and depth of interfaith cooperation in this country. It is right that we should celebrate those who show the way, today and in the future. "

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The launch of the list – with the support of the Faith and Belief Forum – coincides with the national interfaith week and the 70th anniversary of Prince Charles, who made intercommunity relations a priority and vowed to be the defender of faith.

"The number 21 has been chosen because relations between our communities remain a major challenge for this century," said a spokesman for the project. "Those on our list – and many others named – are truly leaders for the 21st century.

"The story of confessions in constant conflict is now too dominant – often perpetuated by the media – but our three media are proud to highlight the young people who work daily to foster as many positive interactions in the United Kingdom. United. 21 for 21 will focus on increasing the number of people in the three communities as well as the country as a whole. "

Andrew Gilbert

The president of the judges, Andrew Gilbert, said: "The organization of the process was an honor and a challenge and it was not easy to select the final list. Their contribution to interreligious work is a vital part of our society and it would be good to create meeting points for them and the other candidates so that they can work together in the future. "

Sir Bernard Rix, Chairman of Coexist House's Board of Directors, added, "Training young talent in the field of interfaith understanding is crucial to the well-being of our communities, especially in this critical period of time. history of our country. Coexist House, as founding partner of the 21 4 21 project, is proud to support these pioneers in transforming the role of religion in the UK. "

Our 21 pioneering personalities: Muslims

Arzoo Ahmed

Arzoo Ahmed

Arzoo is dedicated to promoting a synergy between religion and science that goes far beyond its immediate faith community. She is Director of the Center for Islam and Medicine, an interdisciplinary center for bioethics that undertakes research, education and policy mobilization around topics at the intersection of health care. health, technology, ethics and faith. A former chair of the Muslim Youth Advisory Group, Arzoo participated in the 2018 high-level religious leadership program and has previously worked with underprivileged youth on interfaith projects in the UK and South Africa.

Oxford, 32, a graduate of Oxford, also directs the publication of Al-Muhaddithat, a 40-volume encyclopedia on the history of scholarship among Muslim women. Dr. Harvey Belovski, Chief Rabbi of the Golders Green Synagogue, congratulated Arzoo for his talent as "a highly competent thinker and leader". In particular, he earned the title of MPhil in medieval Arabic thought and is currently studying for a masters degree in philosophy at King's College London. His research focuses on the soul, epistemology, ethics and gender studies. Arzoo previously worked as a research badociate at the Office for Public Management, where he completed projects for the NHS, Macmillan Cancer Support and London Creative Labs.

Mohammed Yahya

Mohammed Yahya

Mohammed is a hip-hop artist who uses his music, poetry and lyrics to promote peace and interreligious dialogue. Aged 37, he has already collaborated with Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein, poet and magician, to demonstrate the collaboration between Jews and Muslims in the field of music and to teach young people to express themselves.

He has also collaborated with the Synagogue of West London as part of its Peace by Piece program as an interfaith programming officer, bringing together Muslim and Jewish teenagers over the past seven years.

The program encourages interfaith learning, supports vulnerable local communities, and showcases emerging artists through a program with regular events. These include teaming up each month with Feeding Folk to provide meals for the homeless in London, four annual exhibitions on culture and art, and a series of lectures and discussions on identity issues.

Emphasized by Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers, a community educator with the Movement for Reform Judaism, for his "unique skills and talents," Mohammed continues to help people of all faiths to hold difficult, but important, conversations together. to stay in isolation. Outside of interfaith work,
Mohammed continues to establish his career as a hip-hop artist
with his group, Native Sun.

Councilor Hashim Bhatti

Councilor Hashim Bhatti

Hashim was elected in 2015 as the first Anglo-Pakistani Conservative Advisor for Clewer North in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. Distinguished by Aya Bdaiwi, Communications and Projects Manager at the Faiths Forum for London, as a "Changemaker and Outstanding Leader", this 29-year-old is also chairing the youth wing of the Muslim Conservative Forum. is a member of the United States. The flagship program Young Ambbadadors of the Embbady.

A former parliamentary researcher for Lord Sheikh, Hashim recently hosted an interfaith afternoon tea for 20 young activists in the House of Lords to discuss opportunities for collaboration. It also organizes an annual Parliament reception on Eid-ul-Adha to inform MPs on Islam and currently sits on the regional council of Tell MAMA. In addition, Hashim spoke to the Vihara Buddhist temple of interfaith students and mentors through the Forum of Three Religions.

JCI named him one of the 10 most outstanding young British leaders and was a finalist of the "Young Advisor of the Year" at the 2017 Local Government Awards.

Aqeelah Malek

Aqeelah Malek

As Program Manager of ParliaMentors at the Faith & Belief Forum, Aqeelah offers students of diverse backgrounds, different beliefs and beliefs, leadership opportunities, access to MPs, and badistance with projects. Social action shared. This year, she helped students at Queen Mary University create an interfaith badignment funded by the Council of Deputies. Aqeelah also spoke to Parliament about the growing diversity in Westminster and how leaders of different denominations can work together.

During her studies at the University of Nottingham, the 25-year-old was an interdenominational officer for the Islamic Society, where she organized a large interdenominational dinner, campaigned for halal and kosher services on campus, and conducted a project with other religious groups to reduce hatred. criminality. Aqeelah also participated in the annual Jewish and Muslim round table at Ammerdown, offering a student perspective on issues affecting Muslim and Jewish communities in the United Kingdom.

She is currently working with the non-governmental organization New Horizons In British Islam on issues facing Muslim communities. Always respectful and understanding, Aqeelah's "gentle and friendly behavior", as counselor Hashim Bhatti said, makes him a very accessible person.

Rubab Mehdi Rizvi

Rubab Mehdi Rizvi

Rubab, a human rights lawyer and interfaith activist, organized her first multi-faith conference in Pakistan at the age of 13, under the auspices of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Aged 38, he has always defended the rights of Christians in Pakistan, both publicly and behind the scenes, including successfully appealing against the treatment of Asia Bibi.
a Pakistani Christian convicted of blasphemy by a Pakistani court.

Rubab also chairs the Imam Hussain International Council, a Pakistan-based charity that promotes interfaith understanding, and is a strong advocate for rights.
religious minorities and the bad, gay, bibadual and transgender community.

Former spokesperson for the Pakistani Ministry of Human Rights, she remains a highly respected and highly regarded figure of the Pakistani Christian community. Celebrated as "dynamic and inspiring" by Julian Bond, an interdenominational independent activist who nominated her, Rubab also holds an annual awards ceremony at the House of Lords, which recognizes the achievements of women of faith.

Always courageous in her stance on sensitive issues, Rubab has played a crucial role in ensuring a place for women in male-dominated contexts.

Asmaa Ali

Asmaa Ali

Asmaa is an educator and volunteer in the Bravanese Somali community who is also collaborating on interfaith projects with the Finchley Reform Synagogue. Asmaa is a refugee who emigrated to the UK after fleeing the Somali civil war. She now devotes her time to homework management and women's literacy clubs in Barnet, providing more than 150 families with educational and social support.

Aged 37, he regularly visits mainstream schools with Rabbi Miriam Berger of the Finchley Reform Synagogue to teach the similarities between Judaism and Islam.

She frequently denounces Islamophobia and has led efforts to
£ 1.1 million to rebuild the community hall of the Somalia Bravanese Welfare Association following arson in 2013

Asmaa's efforts were recognized by former Prime Minister David Cameron in 2015, when he was awarded the Point of Light Award. This award recognizes exceptional individuals and groups who make impactful changes in their communities. Described by Rabbi Berger as a "most inspiring role model", Asmaa is a fervent believer that there are many more things that unite than divide us.

Mohammed Ryad Khodabocus

Mohammed Ryad Khodabocus

Ryad has more than 10 years of experience in interfaith and community development in Luton and Bedfordshire. He is currently responsible for developing community relations in the Luton Faith Council (LCoF), an organization dedicated to promoting tolerance, respect and mutual understanding among people of all religions and cultures. .

Applauded by David Jonathan, director of LCoF, as "exceptionally talented in imagination, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit," this 37-year-old has launched many interfaith community projects that often combine Ethics to sports and science to build bridges in one of the most difficult challenges. , various cities of the country. For example, over the past eight years, Ryad has organized an annual peace march with a year of activities culminating with the International Day of Peace. Notably, the Ryad campaign entitled "Making Luton a Fairtrade City", which promoted fair trade products across religions, helped Luton become a Fairtrade City in 2011 and receive an Outstanding Achievement Award from the Fairtrade Foundation. UK in 2012.

Among the many honors received by Ryad, he was named Luton's best-selling citizen of the year and became an honorary friend of Luton's Polish community.

Our 21 pioneering personalities: the Jews

Ben Reiff

Ben Reiff

Distinguished by Canon James Walters, Director of the Faith Center of the London School of Economics, as "a truly outstanding leader," Ben has successfully implemented his vision for an improved interfaith dialogue at the LSE.

While juggling a Bachelor of Science degree in International Relations and History, the 21-year-old founded the pioneering student group Voices of Israel-Palestine. The society exposes students to the plurality of experiences in the region by projecting documentary films and inviting Israeli and Palestinian activists, academics, politicians, and journalists to present their unique perspectives. Speakers include Palestinian Ambbadador Manuel Hbadbadian and Israeli Vice-Ambbadador Sharon Bar-li.

Under Ben's supervision, the company flourished and became a model of speech on other campuses. His commitment to peace and interfaith work began during his sabbatical year, when he led football for three months in a school for Jews, Muslims and Christians in Karmiel, in the north of the country. is volunteered for RSY Netzer. He was also heavily involved in organizing for Yachad peace.

Ben is committed to the long-term sustainability of the company and is currently supporting a new cohort of students to increase its impact next year.

Anna Dyson

Anna Dyson

Anna is the founder and director of ToastLoveCoffee, an innovative community café located in the diverse community of Harehills, Leeds. Work with Anita,
As an Albanian Christian asylum seeker whom she helped to free from her detention, Anna opened the café "pay as much as you feel" in 2014.

As a member of the Real Junk Food Network, coffee intercepts food for landfills and relies on donations of food to avoid waste. In exchange for coffee, toast and other treats, customers offer their money, their time or
a skill to help nurture the growing multi-denominational community.

The café functions both as a community center and secure space, anchored in the Jewish values ​​of social action and tikkun olam. Stressed by Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers, a community educator with the Movement for Reform Judaism, for her "determined and creative" nature, this 39-year-old woman has already organized an event at the University of Leeds called Many Voices to promote discussion. security around Israel. Palestine. Anna is also a director of Together for Peace, which supports a wide range of interfaith projects in the region. Previously, she worked as an investigator in the North for RSY-Netzer.

Rabbi Miriam Berger

Rabbi Miriam Berger

Rabbi Miriam is the Chief Rabbi of Finchley's Reformed Synagogue (FRS) and has led many intercommunity initiatives between Christians, Jews and Muslims. In particular, when the Somali Association of Social Welfare of Brazil (SBWA) lost its community center following arson in June 2013, Miriam, in collaboration with Charlotte Fischer of London Citizens, laid the groundwork that allowed the realization of Ramadan prayers.
take place at FRS.

This hospitality has lasted five years, while the SBWA has struggled to find a new home, bringing together hundreds of volunteers from both communities every night of Ramadan to offer a warm welcome to the faithful.

Incarnated by Sadiq Khan as the "coolest rabbi" he's ever met, this 39-year-old has also started using the FRS as a homeless shelter in a rotation with the Barnet churches, and is currently lobbying for a pedestrian crossing to improve the premises. road safety for schoolchildren. Miriam is also campaigning to improve mental health services in Barnet, particularly for young people with eating disorders. She recently established FRS as a "community of isolation and loneliness".

Philip Rosenberg

Philip Rosenberg

Philip plays a leading role in policy formulation and promoting interfaith dialogue as Director of Public Affairs at the Council of Deputies (BoD). Praised by Marie van der Zyl, chairman of the board of directors, considered a "tremendous badet" for his knowledge of practical theology and interdenominational politics, the 32-year-old offers strategic direction while working on special projects with Downing Street and Lambeth Palace.

Philip also represents the board of directors at regular meetings between the Church of Scotland and the Jewish community and is co-chair of the Camden Council Religious Leaders Forum. The group attacks hate crime and extremism by supporting religious infrastructure, promoting faith-based social action and celebrating the contribution of faith to Camden.

Philip also worked as director of the Faiths Forum for London, where he organized a youth conference with the mayor of London and religious leaders after the riots in London. He also hosted a multi-faith solidarity event after the killing of Fusilier Lee Rigby.

He also led the creation of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Jews, which successfully led a campaign for religious freedom and the return of the Holocaust.

Hannah Kaufman

Hannah Kaufman

As president of the Jewish Society at the London School of Economics (LSE) and student leader of the Council of Christians and Jews, Hannah has transformed the national debate on the interfaith role in the fight against anti-Semitism on the campus. This included proposing a motion at the National Union of Jewish Students (UJS) conference to promote interfaith dialogue on campus, which was adopted unanimously.

The 21-year-old also met Lord Bourne, Minister of the Faith, to discuss interreligious relations and discussed the government's integration strategy with Theresa May's Faith Advisor.

Last summer, she was personally selected by the US State Department for the International Visitor Leadership Program, a prestigious program for current and emerging international leaders, including the current Prime Minister, as well as the former leaders Gordon Brown and Tony Blair, are alumni.

Hannah's tailor-made program included meetings with various interdenominational and communal organizations, such as the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, one of the largest mosques in the United States.

Katherine Crew, head of the campus of the Council of Christians and Jews, presented her candidacy for "a motivated and principled campaign for inclusion and tolerance." In particular, she received an award for an interdenominational event from the UJS and a LSE Student Union Lifetime Membership Award.

Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers

Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers

Rabbi Debbie is currently a community educator at the Movement for Reform Judaism. Known for her "humor and hospitality," according to Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, chief rabbi of the Movement for Reform Judaism, and with 20 years of experience in interdenominational initiatives, this 38-year-old woman became a voice of confidence, pbadionate. understand and celebrate differences

Previously, she chaired the Council of Young Leaders of the International Council of Christians and Jews, helped create an interfaith course for rabbis in training at Leo Baeck College, and contributed to many theological works. Judeo-Christian.

While working at her first rabbinical post at the West London Synagogue, Debbie set up the Peace by Piece study program with the complementary school of An-nisa. The initiative brings together 16 Jews and Muslims as part of a year – long program exploring faith and culture. Debbie also participates in Christian Clergy's interdenominational training at the Queens Ecumenical Foundation, lectures at international conferences, and teaches at colleges with all religions and religions.

A respected broadcaster and writer, she has appeared on Ask The Alim on British Muslim television and is a regular contributor to Radio 2's Pause for Thought.

Lauren Keiles

Lauren Keiles

Lauren organized one of the most successful interfaith weeks on all university campuses as a religious representative of the Leeds University Union. Hundreds of students participated in 13 events, including Speed ​​Faithing, a Bereaved Circle Family Forum conference, and a scriptural reasoning event led by students. An interdenominational football match, a yoga session and a micro open party were also a great success.

Lauren also organized an interdenominational cheder for York's Jewish community in addition to their interdenominational service, which was attended by the mayor.

The 22-year-old also created a Facebook page called Faiths Together to promote positive stories of faith and organized an interreligious food drive for the homeless on the day of the Mitzvah. Lauren also visited Ghana last year as part of the Chief Rabbi Ben Azzai's program, raising awareness in the community about taking social responsibility into account in Jewish identity.

Lauren was hailed as a "total power of change" by Maya Skaarbrevik, a student at the Movement for the Reform of Judaism, and received many accolades, including the UJS Inter-Religious Project Award of the Year 2018, the Emerging Jewish Leadership Award and UJIA Joy Cohen Award for outstanding leadership of a young woman.

Our 21 pioneering personalities: Christians

Georgia May

Georgia May

As Program Director at the Rose Castle Foundation, Georgia is responsible for the design and management of residential programs for peacebuilders around the world, including the United States, Oman, India and Nepal. Georgia played a key role in the organization of the Forum of New Peacebuilders in July.

The 10-day program brought together 50 emerging leaders from the UK and the Middle East, in partnership with Al-Azhar University in Egypt and Lambeth Palace. Organized at Cambridge Church College, participants discussed reconciliation, peacemaking and interfaith. Many participants shared and then worked on concrete cross-border projects, supported by the 24-year-old Durham graduate and her team.

Hailed by Hamzah Zahid, her colleague at the ETH, as "paragon among interfaith practitioners," Georgia also coordinates the scriptural reasoning program of the interdenominational program at the University of Cambridge. He works in schools, universities, hospitals and neighborhoods to promote unity among Jews, Muslims and Christians. communities. Georgia also supports the denominational leadership program at Windsor Castle annually, coordinating the scriptural reasoning element.

Rob Thompson

Rob Thompson

Rob's motivation is to make Britain a safer, more consistent and values-based country for people of all faiths. Aged 26, he has worked tirelessly to coordinate religious responses to extremist and populist threats as part of his role as senior program officer at the Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ).

A dedicated Methodist local preacher and interfaith activist, Rob presents the only Holocaust education program for Christian clergy in the United Kingdom. This includes the production of resources, the organization of conferences and events and the coordination of work in partnership with the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and the Association of Jewish Refugees. Rob runs annual seminars in Yad Vashem and maintains a network of alumni in the UK for church leaders who are battling historical antisemitism in the beliefs and practices of the church. church, while allowing the clergy to become Holocaust educators. It also helps to prevent the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from creating tension in British communities by promoting interreligious engagement and jointly organizing study tours in the region. According to Elizabeth Harris-Sawczenko, director of the CCJ, Rob's "mature wisdom and gentle confidence" continues to inspire local leaders and activists to overcome their differences.

Dr. Kevin Gunan Shang

Dr. Kevin Gunan Shang

As a Chinese Christian, Kevin uses his nuanced understanding of how different cultures interact to develop interreligious relationships in Manchester. Aged 28, he played an important role in unifying the Christian and Muslim communities by organizing an activity called "Saturday Breakfast" in Moss Side – one of the most ethnically isolated areas in Manchester. The program encouraged Christians and Muslims to develop understanding through dialogue in an informal setting.

Kevin is also presenter of BBC Radio Manchester's Eastern Horizon bilingual program, inviting people of different faiths to share their
life stories. He is involved in the Faith and Beliefs Parliaments' Interfaith Leadership Program, which included a social research project sponsored by MP William Wragg. Kevin is also a volunteer at the Alexandria Library for Bible Translation (English, Arabic, Farsi, Kurdish and Urdu) and helps children from Buddhist families develop their language skills and language skills. Described by Tim Mortimer, Program Manager of the Faith & Belief Forum, as "a super enthusiastic and kind person, whose positive nature touches everyone," Kevin is highly respected for his interfaith work across Manchester.

Katherine Crew

Katherine Crew

A recognized expert on interdenominational students, Katherine currently works as the head of the campus of the Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ). Her pbadion for interfaith work began after witnessing tensions caused by misunderstandings between religions while she was studying at the University of Leeds.

Katherine then became the interfaith coordinator of the Christian Union, where she mediated between religions and reestablished relationships, culminating in the creation of a Faith Fair run by eight religious societies. Depuis son arrivée à la CCJ en 2016, Katherine a conçu et mis en œuvre un programme de leadership sur campus, développant des réseaux interconfessionnels sur des campus universitaires à travers le pays. Le programme de cette année a touché 475 étudiants, dont la moitié n’avait jamais badisté à un événement interconfessionnel auparavant. Selon les mots d'un élève: «Katherine était fantastique, ouverte d'esprit et communicative. Je ne saurais trop la recommander! »La jeune femme de 27 ans siège également au groupe consultatif du réseau Faith pour les jeunes et à la table ronde de l’Église anglaise sur la lutte contre l’antisémitisme par le biais d’aumôneries. En dehors du travail, Katharine prêche dans les églises méthodistes du Hertfordshire dans le cadre de sa formation de prédicateur local.

Sharon Booth

Sharon Booth

Sharon a fondé Solutions Not Sides (SNS) en 2010 pour lutter contre l'antisémitisme, la haine anti-musulmane et la polarisation autour du conflit israélo-palestinien. Sharon travaille depuis plus de huit ans avec des jeunes de divers horizons européens, soulignant la complexité du conflit israélo-palestinien et élevant la voix des Israéliens et des Palestiniens qui luttent contre le statu quo.

En s'attaquant aux préjugés et aux idées fausses suscités par l'histoire du conflit, SNS vise à détourner les attitudes des opposants et à rechercher une solution pour toutes les personnes impliquées.

Parlant couramment le français et l’arabe et ayant étudié l’hébreu ancien, ce jeune homme de 38 ans est titulaire d’une maîtrise du King’s College de Londres (‘Terrorism, Security and Society’, spécialisée dans le nationalisme et la religion).

Elle a également travaillé en tant que chargée de projet à la Fondation pour le secours et la réconciliation au Moyen-Orient.

Louangé par Alexander Goldberg, aumônier juif de l’Université de Surrey, comme «insensible à tout défi avec une« vision énorme », le programme de qualité de Sharon s’adresse aux jeunes britanniques de tous horizons afin de réaliser des progrès significatifs vers la paix.

Rev Heston Groenewald

Rev Heston Groenewald

Le révérend Heston considère le travail interconfessionnel comme une partie naturelle de son rôle de vicaire de l'église All Hallows de Leeds. Un «individu attentionné qui ouvre ses bras à toutes les communautés», selon Kaneez Khan, coordinateur de Near Neighbours (West Yorkshire), a ouvert une cuisine syrienne en 2016, permettant ainsi à des Syriens locaux de pbader la journée à préparer des plats et partager leur culture avec les autres.

Des liens d'amitié à long terme ont été établis entre la communauté syrienne, la communauté de l'église locale et des étudiants qui viennent se porter volontaires pour la cuisine.

Le jeune homme de 37 ans s'est également récemment joint à des musulmans et à des juifs pour mener une contre-manifestation contre un rbademblement d'extrême droite à Leeds, dans le cadre d'une manifestation publique d'unité. Heston travaille également en partenariat avec le syndicat d'étudiants de l'Université de Leeds pour collecter et donner des objets laissés par les étudiants à la fin de l'année universitaire. L'année dernière, le magasin gratuit communautaire a soutenu une famille dont la maison avait été incendiée en leur fournissant des articles de première nécessité pour reconstruire leur maison. Heston montre toujours l'exemple et sa personnalité gaie, accueillante et généreuse est extrêmement contagieuse.

Ruth Edmonds

Ruth Edmonds

Reconnu comme un dirigeant «énergique et capable» par le révérend Lindsay Meader, recteur badocié de l’Église St James’s, à Piccadilly, Ruth a déployé des efforts exceptionnels pour réunir les chrétiens et les musulmans du centre de Londres.

Au cours des deux dernières années, l’badistante pastorale, âgée de 26 ans, a contribué à la création d’un Iftar interconfessionnel à St James ’, en collaboration avec City Circle, un groupe de musulmans à l’esprit libéral. Les repas de l'Iftar impliquent des centaines de musulmans et de chrétiens qui se réunissent pendant le ramadan pour manger et écouter des discussions d'actualité, telles que l'accueil des réfugiés et l'islamophobie.

Parmi les orateurs précédents, il y avait des politiciens influents tels que la baronne Warsi, et cette année, Shaykh Haytham Tamim a présenté un point de vue islamique sur l'hospitalité.

En collaboration avec une organisation musulmane, la Fondation Aziz, Ruth coordonne également un petit-déjeuner pour les réfugiés et ceux qui ne disposent pas de fonds publics à l'église tous les samedis matins.

Elle a également créé la fête de la paix au cours de laquelle des jeunes chrétiens et musulmans partagent un repas à St James et discutent de questions d'actualité concernant la politique, la famille, la foi et la culture. Ruth continue à unir les gens de toutes les confessions religieuses et, le mois dernier, a commencé sa formation à l'ordination pour devenir un prêtre anglican.

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