3 Knesset members storm the Al-Aqsa complex


By Abdel Raoud Arnaout


Three members of the Knesset (Israeli parliament) broke into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem on Monday. In a statement, the Islamic Waqf of Jerusalem, which oversees the holy places in the city, said members of the Likud Yehuda Glick and Amir Ohana and Shuli Mualem of the Jewish Home Party stormed the door of Magharba in strict security conditions.

On Sunday, Israeli Minister of Agriculture, Uri Ariel, stormed the site's compound, for the first time since 2015 by an Israeli official.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lifted Knesset members visiting the site.
Netanyahu then allowed Knesset members to visit the camp once every three months, according to local Israeli media. In October 2015, Netanyahu banned Knesset members from entering the Al-Aqsa compound to calm the violence that erupted across the occupied West Bank as a result of the incursions. repeated Jewish settlers in the site.

For Muslims, Al-Aqsa is the third most sacred site in the world. The Jews, for their part, refer to the area as the "Temple Mount", claiming that it was the site of two Jewish temples in ancient times.

Some extremist Jewish groups called for the demolition of the Al-Aqsa Mosque so that a Jewish temple could be built in its place.

In September 2000, a visit to the flash religious site of former Israeli politician Ariel Sharon sparked what would later become the "Second Intifada", a Palestinian popular uprising in which thousands of people were killed .

Israel occupied East Jerusalem – where Al-Aqsa is – during the Middle East War in 1967. It then annexed the entire city in 1980, unilaterally claiming it as the capital of the Middle East. 39 Self-proclaimed Jewish state.

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