4 Israelis injured in Gaza by rocket in Sderot


On Saturday night, a family of four Israelis was slightly injured by the flares of a Gaza rocket that landed near a house in the town of Sderot. Another rocket landed near a synagogue in the city.

The father of the family, 52, was injured in the forehead and legs, the mother of 45 was injured in the legs, a 15-year-old girl was injured in the face, head and legs, and a 14-year-old girl was injured in the face, legs and back of the head.

Rocket lands in Sderot

"All the glbad of the living room fell on us: the aquarium, TVs, everything exploded, the whole house was smoke and we were all covered with blood," said Aharon Buchris, the father of the family, from his hospital bed.

"I was hit by shrapnel to my face and legs, my wife and daughters were also injured, I felt stress, shock and heard shrieks ", he added.

  Aharon Buchris wounded with rocket in his house in Sderot (Photo: Barzilai Medical Center)

Aharon Buchris wounded with rocket in his house in Sderot (Photo: Barzilai Medical Center) [19659014]

The neighbor from the family, Azzat Magirov, heard the rocket hitting and ran next. She kissed the two teenage girls, covered in blood, and accompanied them to the hospital while their parents were receiving medical treatment.

"There was no siren Red Code, suddenly I heard a" boom ".I was on the couch and I flew away", did she said, "Suddenly, I see smoke and I hear screams, my whole house was covered with glbad (broken), but I went straight (to the neighbors), the Qbadam rocket fell under the the living room window, that everyone was bleeding. "

  Damage to Sderot's house from rocket attack (Photo: Israel Police)

Damage to Sderot's house from rocket attack (Photo: Israeli Police)

Azzat, who has been living next to the family for 22 years, went on to say that "the aquarium in the broken living room and the shards of glbad hit everyone out there.The dead fish, the glbad and blood covered the floor, she was in shock, she bothered to cry and I told her not to worry, I was with the children. "

"I'm fine, but in my heart I'm not, they're like my own children," she said. "The girl was crying, then the other too, they were scared."

The four were evacuated to the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon for treatment.

  Damage caused to Sderot's house hit by a rocket (Photo: Israel Police)

Damage caused to Sderot's house struck by a rocket (Photo: Israel Police )

After a night of air strikes and rockets,
the renewed Israeli air force
Its bombing of the Gaza Strip on Saturday afternoon, attacking more than 40 targets and causing rocket and mortar shelling of the band in retaliation.

A rocket hits the roof of Sderot (צילום: רועי עידן)

More than 130 rockets and mortar shells were launched on Israel since 1:30 Saturday, of which at least 27 were intercepted by the Iron Dome. missile defense system.

Damage was caused to a hen house in one of the Eshkol communities from a mortar shell. Gaza division commander Yehuda Fuchs visits Sderot after a rocket attack (Photo: IDF Spokesman's Office) “/>

Yehuda Fuchs, Gaza Division Commander, visits Sderot after a rocket strike [19659025] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held consultations with Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot and other senior defense officials since the start of the strikes and Saturday rockets.

"We will broaden the answer as much as necessary, if Hamas does not understand the message today, it will understand it tomorrow," said Netanyahu.

Defense Minister Lieberman met with UN special envoy to the Middle East, Nickolay Mladenov, sending a message to the terrorist group in Gaza: "If Hamas do not stop, we will be forced to continue. "

"A decision has been made to take offensive measures against the Gaza aggression, Israel will increase the intensity as long as necessary," said an Israeli official. "We have been hit hardest on Gaza since Protective Edge."

Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun, Elior Levy, Ilana Curiel, Moran Azulay and Inbar Tvizer contributed to this report

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