7 adorable photos of Chip and Joanna Gaines' new baby, Crew Gaines


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The new Chip's baby and Joanna Gaines, Crew Gaines, maybe only a few weeks, but he already has a whole photo album. His parents Fix Upper shared some pictures of their newborn, who joined four older siblings on June 21.

"Our little boy, Crew Gaines, is there and we could not be more In love," Joanna has captioned the very first images, while simultaneously announcing her name, which has an interesting backstory. "He made an unexpected (and fast) entry into the world two and a half weeks earlier – which is appropriate since it has been a sweet surprise from the first day. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. We are so grateful. " Click on the Instagram slides below to see the crew meet the fam for the first time – while swaying a very cute blanket.

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More recently, the HGTV host and mom of five posted an adorable -up of his youngest son, who seemed to be watching the big brothers Drake, 13, and Duke , 10, playing ball Wiffle in the backyard.

  puce joanna sleeves baby crew photo closely

Joanna Gaines via Instagram

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The crew also hears well with Big Sisters Ella, 11, and Emmie, 8, judging from this photo of the stargazing trio on the Gaines family farm. [19659011] The Gaines children were "so excited" when they heard that their mother was waiting. They even waited impatiently outside the hospital ward during his delivery

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And well sure, he is the "little hug" of his mother.

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Baby Gaines is sure to sleep well in his beautiful baby room, as he does here in the first picture of the room.

"He sits very well," wrote Joanna. Dad Chip has not yet uploaded any photos of Crew, but it's clear that he's in love.

"Newborns are AMAZING!" Chip tweeted about his boy, adding " #sleepyTho ".

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