7 things to do when you can not pray


By Dr. Francis Akin-John

I've been there – when the anguish of life is so heavy that you can not even talk. . even to God. Yet, not to pray hardly seems to be the right thing to do in these times. So, here are some things to do when you struggle so much that you can not even pray:

1. Decide if it is a sin problem that prevents you from praying. If your pain is the result of your persistence in sin, you have no choice but to confess your fault and ask for God's forgiveness. The grace of God can reopen your prayer channel.

Praying Hands

2. "Make a short prayer by being honest with God. In other words, a few words are in agreement. . . Even though the words are, "God, I can not pray now." He knows your heart, and He can hear your unmentioned words in your emotions.

3. Ask someone else to pray for you and with you. . Find another believer who can intercede for you. You do not have to be the one whose voice says the words you want to say.

4.Release the word. If you can not talk to God, let him speak to you. Read some of the psalms, knowing that you are not the first person to fight grief and pain. You might find that your listening to God makes it easier to talk to Him.

5. "Write your prayer. I am not a journalist, but I found it helpful to write my prayer when I could not speak it. Sometimes putting the words on the paper also helps to clarify my hurtful thought.

6. "Sit quietly with God and listen. It is rarely painful for us to sit, calm down, meditate on God and listen, especially when we are struggling. God has a powerful way of calming our soul when we listen.

7. "Take a walk, knowing that Jesus is praying for you." This is what Hebrews 7:25 and Romans 8:34 say. "The exercise will be good for you, and trust in the Word will strengthen you. – Lawless


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