The EU is fighting the Israeli government through Israeli NGOs


The European Union (EU) created and financed a left-wing organization, for 1.5 million NIS . The organization is called "The Council for the Protection of Freedom", and its purpose is to "curb the dangerous tendencies" of the policies of the "messianic-nationalist right" Israeli government. The basic premise of the organization is that far-left organizations "must combine their forces and move from defense to offensive" against "right-wing conservative forces." In other words, the EU intervenes explicitly in the Israeli political arena internally.

Mark Gallagher, Deputy EU Ambbadador to Israel, described the Council as "flagship" of EU projects in Israel. The EU grant document bears the following title: "The creation of the Council for the Protection of Freedom: ensuring a democratic space for civil society organizations in Israel."

The document also states that the overall objective of "ensuring active engagement of civil society organizations" – the whitewashed term for far-left organizations – "by tackling the systemic barriers that limit their participation to policy-making processes ".

The amount transferred by the EU to the Council is clbadified as an "Action Grant", which means that it is not a contribution to another pre-existing organization, such as Breaking the Silence or B & # 39; Tselem, but rather the creation of a new left-wing body that will protect existing left-wing organizations and act to increase their influence on the Israeli reality, in opposition to the will of most Israeli citizens and funded by EU residents. The subsidy period for the Council is expected to be the end of 2019.

In accordance with instructions received from the EU, Council members meet with members of the Knesset, Directors-General of Ministries, Legal Advisers and Advocates. word of the Knesset. government committees and ministries to "maximize the influence" of various far-left organizations "and reach decision-makers more easily."

The Council openly declares that it is working to "introduce legislation designed to counter the laws promoted by the government" and to counteract government initiatives that they do not like – such as the Judicial Circumvention Act, the anti-boycott law, the national law, the controller law and more.The organization's "strategic action plan" states that "the Council will send a letter to members of the Knesset, Ministers and the media, explaining his opposition to the legislation. "The Council also calls on other potential donors to fund" lobbying activities in the Knesset. "

In their response to this article, the lnst. EU and Council state that the Council is independent and does not act "on behalf of the EU". Their complete answers are presented at the end of this article.

44 million NIS on the far left

Recently, the Council launched a campaign to thwart the bill proposed by MK Robert Ilatov (Yisrael Beiteinu) for prohibit the disruption of IDF operations in Judea and Samaria. Council members sent a letter to members of the Knesset urging them to oppose the law and "any law that would restrict the ability to document IDF activities in the territories". in possession of MiDA), clearly states that "the project is funded by the European Union."

The Council complains that the new bill would undermine the efforts of the far left to thwart the IDF's fight against terrorism. "The camera is a central tool in the hands of human rights organizations and journalists operating in the territories – it allows the documentation and dissemination of difficult and routine occupation situations, the reality of life in the territories "to MKs states. "Any attempt to limit the ability of organizations to document IDF activities can only be interpreted as an attempt by the political establishment to conceal the actions of the army."

The wording of the bill, pbaded last week reading, but is expected to undergo significant changes, mentions the names of Breaking the Silence, B & # 39; Tselem and MachsomWatch Women as organizations targeted by the law Project. In the last seven years, the European Union has transferred to the coffers of the three organizations a cumulative sum of 7.5 million NIS. According to the NGO Monitor Institute since 2012, the EU has transferred more than 44 million shekels to various left-wing organizations in Israel.

Hanin Zoabi in the founding nucleus

The Council for the Protection of Freedom comprises more than 30 representatives of Israeli left-wing organizations. The Council's "strategy paper" uses flagrant anti-Israeli rhetoric, according to which the state of Israel was established "on the ruins of the Palestinian people" without any mention of the Arabs' rejection of the Plan of Action. Partition of the United Nations and the war against The Council ignores the Palestinians' stubborn refusal to compromise and blames Israel alone for the political stalemate, questioning the fact that Israel is a democratic state ("its claim to be a democratic state "), supporting the very same criminal conduct of Arab deputies against the state and criticizing the law on citizenship that effectively prevents the right of return.

Behind the creation of the Council are the Van Leer Institute and the Islam Center. In 2016-2015, Van Leer received more than 80,000 NIS from the New Israel Fund, and faculty members served and served in the Fund, including former Fund President Naomi Chazan. . The Ilam Center was established in 2000 and one of its founders is Knesset member, Hanin Zoabi, who was the director of the organization during the years 2003 to 2008.

Prof. Amal Jamal, the current director of the IAM, is a lecturer and researcher at the Political Science Department of Tel Aviv University. Jamal, a Druze who defines himself as an Arab, calls Israeli policy in Judea and Samaria an "apartheid regime", declares that he does not identify with the symbols of the state and calls for the elimination of the Zionist character of Israel. During the Operation Protective Edge, llam called for the creation of an international commission of inquiry to examine whether Israel had committed "war crimes and crimes against humanity." crimes against humanity "during the Gaza war.

The mission: to discredit right-wing organizations

At the founding conference of the Council for the Protection of Freedom, extremist elements such as the deputy Joseph Jabarin of the common list and representatives of the Women's Coalition for Peace, the main Israeli organization of the anti-Semitic BDS campaign, were present. The Coalition also includes B & # 39; Tselem, Physicians for Human Rights and "A New Profile" that helps youth to escape military service.

The Council complains of the "inciting speech" of the right-wing media such as Israel's Hayom, Mida and Channel 20, and also does not like the "aggressive reporters" of the mainstream media who dare to criticize left-wing activists. In an attempt to regain control of the media discourse, Council members meet with seasoned journalists to "prevent publications" against extremist left-wing organizations, while others lobby for investigations against right-wing organizations and their links with extremists.

The Van Leer Institute recently released a working paper for the Council, with the intention of questioning the credibility of the right-wing media. They have failed to refute the facts that have been published, so rather to the insinuation: the very fact that the Prime Minister shares articles from a particular media site on his Facebook page is According to them, clear and incriminating evidence The position paper, which aims to serve as a basis for the Council's action plan, lists various initiatives that the left does not like, such as the prohibition of supporters. of terrorism to be elected to the Knesset, the law of recommendations, and to reduce the excessive power of the Supreme Court – labeling them as "tyranny of the majority", "limitation of freedom of expression" and a "weakening of democracy". Discussing on the left, they of course identify "broad and global processes" in which Israel risks becoming degraded into a state with characteristics of "undemocratic regimes".


At the international level, the Council is expected to hold biennial conferences, to which it will invite left-wing organizations from all over the world, as well as representatives of foreign embbadies stationed in Israel.

Crossing a Red Line

The Council, as it has been said, owes its existence to the European Union, which granted it a seed grant under the definition of "democratic participation and civil society". was set up by the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI), a project established by the EU in 2014 and which enjoys a huge budget of more than 63 billion shekels, which should be used by the end of 2020.

The ENI project includes 16 foreign entities from the Middle East and Eastern Europe: Israel, Syria, Jordan, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Palestinian Authority, Libya, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Ukraine. 19659002] As can be seen, almost all the entities supported do not enjoy a complete democratic regime and in some cases even a cruel and repressive tyranny is practiced. In its response to the article, the EU explains that, on the basis of the accession of Israel to ENI, there is also cooperation between the government and the government. 39; EU.

The establishment of the "Council for the Protection of Freedom" demonstrates that standards of the European Union, which regularly denigrates Israeli governmental institutions and does not hesitate to intervene in the domestic affairs of Israel, it crosses a red line. The Israeli government would do well to put an end to this farce and put the issue of subversive financing at the center of the diplomatic discourse with the European Union and the countries of the continent.


The EU Delegation to Israel replied: "The EU supports a vibrant, diverse and independent civil society which means a strong democracy Non-governmental organizations in Israel often work in partnership with the government, as well as with the Knesset as part of good democratic conduct.The EU finances independent projects and NGOs, and these do not work for the EU.The claim that EU-funded projects function as pressure groups is unfounded.

The Council for the protection of freedom replied: "The Council for the Protection of Freedom was created by organizations as part of its support to civil society. The Council works to protect the space of democratic freedoms and values ​​in Israel, while working to change legislation that violates freedoms and to promote legislation that promotes democratic values. The positions of the Council represent its members and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the European Union.

Due to concerns about the limitation of the democratic space in Israel, the Council is seeking to raise public awareness of the issue and to allow for different reflection, including meetings with academics and academics. researchers, civil society activists, as well as elected officials, while encouraging democratic and pluralist thinking contrary to concepts that undermine the rights of minorities. We do not lobby for one party or another, but we want to shed light on the importance of thinking, legislation and the democratic spirit in Israel. "

* (Translated from Hebrew)


Gilad Zwick is a correspondent of Mida in Hebrew

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