Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez strikes Dem senator who warned the far left can not win the Midwest


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the self-proclaimed socialist who last week defeated Joe Crowley's House Democrat from New York, fought back Sunday before a Democratic senator who was questioning about the effectiveness of the campaign. embrace the far left in a presidential race.

Appearing on Sunday morning's talk show circuit on CNN, Senator Tammy Duckworth said that such a strategy would be doomed to failure in the Midwest, which, according to the Democrat's Illinois, would be decisive for winning a presidential race. "I do not think you can go too far left and still win the Midwest – coming from a Midwestern state," she said.

She also opined that the socialist policies that Ocasio-Cortes openly marry from the Bronx, where she is, "and not the" industrial Midwest. "

In rebuttal, Ocasio-Cortez emphasized the success that Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., had at the 2016 Democratic primaries against Hillary Clinton

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