Merkel meets the rebel minister to defuse the dangerous ranks of migrants


German Chancellor Angela Merkel began a final meeting on Monday with her rebel Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer, to resolve a bitter dispute over immigration that threatens her government

Seehofer, a critic Virulent from Merkel's open welcome to a mbadive influx of three years ago, refugees and migrants have threatened to resign from their post of minister and leader of the Bavarian CSU Conservative Party, unless they do not make a compromise.

Seehofer leaves office or is fired by the Chancellor. the other ministers of her UHC, the traditional ally of Merkel's CDU, who would end their alliance and endanger her fragile coalition government by destroying her parliamentary majority.

As both parties sought to defuse the crisis, Seehofer "

" I will not be fooled by a chancellor who is only chancellor because of me, "he said shortly before the last meeting, in daily comments Süddeutsche Zeitung

Other parties and media slammed what they call a reckless chicken game, with Der Spiegel commenting: "It is fair to ask: Has the CSU lost its mind? In the end, the government could fall and a proud old party could fall into ridicule."

The leader of the third party in Merkel's fragile coalition government, the head of the Social Democrats Andrea Nahles, condemned Seehofer's "blackmail attempts". "The CSU is on a dangerous selfish journey that paralyzes Germany and Europe"

 Michael Kappeler (dpa / AFP)

– Crisis Speaks –

The Deep Governmental Crisis stems from Merkel's decision in 2015 to keep borders open to asylum seekers arriving from the Middle East via the Balkans, Hungary and Austria.

Since then, more than a million people have arrived: a mbadive influx Merkel 's governments have sought to reduce by repeatedly tightening the laws on immigration and asylum.

Nevertheless, the Alternative Anti-Refugee and Anti-Islam for Germany (AfD) entered parliament for the first time last year, leading to months of paralysis while Merkel was struggling to build a viable coalition. 59002] The CSU faces a new electoral threat from the far-right AfD during the October polls.

The flash point is Seehofer's request to order the German border police to refoulement the asylum seekers already registered elsewhere in the EU, and his threat of do it against Merkel's wishes.

Merkel rejects these unilateral measures and concluded last week an EU-level agreement that toughens the immigration rules, as well as several bilateral agreements allowing Germany to return many

 Tobias SCHWARZ (AFP / Dossier)

– Uncharted waters –

In the midst of heightened tension, the two traditional "brother parties" on Monday sought to step back by putting the "backs" on the agenda. focus on "We stay together," said Volker Kauder, leader of the CDU-CSU's joint parliamentary group, at a closed-door meeting of its legislators.

The "Union" of the CDU and CSU mixed conservatism infused beer and lederhosen of the Southern State with a more moderate politics, forming a center-right force that dominated Germany during decades.

Chief CSU Seehofer, 68 A date with fate, having already openly defied Merkel, with whom he has a history of quarrels.

The tragedy could end with Seehofer's tilting but the surviving alliance under a Chancellor who lives to fight another day after another deadly battle. CSU Development Minister Gerd Müller expressed confidence that the "high value" alliance would continue and, if necessary, fill the position of Seehofer

Markus Soeder, Prime Minister of the Bavarian state, also seemed to want to give up Seehofer. In the name of the coalition.

"We are ready to compromise – you must be in politics," he told reporters. "None of us wants to challenge the government."

If the talks fail and both sides end their post-war partnership, Germany will end up in unexplored political waters. seek a new coalition partner with Green Greens or Free Democrats pro-business, or orchestrate a vote of no confidence in parliament that could trigger new elections.

This scenario scares all parties except the anti-immigration AfD who, suggest polls, could hope for further gains.

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