Israeli man assaulted in violent car theft


An Israeli Israeli from the town of Ofra in Samaria was robbed early Tuesday on Route 465 in the Binyamin area of ​​Samaria by two Arab car thieves

The Israeli man was violently attacked during the flight and his car.

The incident occurred early Tuesday morning near the Bir Zeit bridge off 465, just south of Ateret in central Samaria.

While driving on the 465 near Bir Zeit, an Arab car was pbading in front of the vehicle and then stopped, blocking the road and causing it to stop.

Two Arab men came out of the vehicle, one of them wearing a baseball bat. The two car thieves forced the Israeli to get out of his car and stole the vehicle

. Army and police units were then rushed to the scene and began searching for the two thieves


Last week, an Arab car thief stole an Israeli vehicle near the town of Modiin Illit, in western Samaria.

After the car thief took off, he noticed that a boy of about five years old was sitting in the backseat

The thief then approached the lighter. shoulder and ordered the child to get out of the vehicle. After the child is out of the car, the thief has left with the car.

The child was recovered later without injury.

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